Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I have come to the conclusion that the neurologist are almost as clueless about all that is happening as I am. They neurology team will be coming to the room to talk to us this afternoon sometime.
Yesterday when the neuro fellow was talking to me she mentioned that Jace's main neuro recently sent out the video I sent her asking the team what he ws doing. So - as I said they seems to be baffled as I am.

We were told the EEG showed normal activity however they did come by to clarify this morning that he in fact DID have abnormal activity. I won't go into details but rather then being focused on the left side it is now showing to be coming from both sides of the brain. My question about this - I hope to get an answer to - is if the Keppra could have caused the activity to go from being focal to generalized like this?

There is a battle between the primary care team and the neurology team. Primary care wants Jace discharged so he doesn't pick anything up while in the hospital (honestly its too late - his eyes are goopy and he has a cough) but the neurology team wants to monitor Jace more, especially since he has had an increase in his Banzel this morning.

Justin went home yesterday so he could work today and my mom came up here before dinner last night. Justin and I had a chance to get out and go get dinner together outside of the hospital. MUCH needed! Jace says "Thank you Grandma! I was kind of needing a break from Mom and Dad!" :)
If we have to stay another night Justin said he will be coming back here to the hospital to be with us and my mom will go back home to take over Lil Bit duties.

We got a chance to get out of the room and go to the 10th floor for Wiggle Wednesday! This is a music therapy gathering geared towards infants and toddler. Jace had an episode at the beginning of the fun but after that he seemed to enjoy himself despite being tired!

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