Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nebulizer Newbie

We went to the doctor for Jace's 18 month check up. I knew part of this visit would be a sick visit but I didn't think that it would be THAT bad. After the nurse went through the general questions for his check up she said he sounded to be perfect! :) He weighs 27 lbs and is 31.5 inches tall.

The nurse said that the doctor needed to hear him breathing and would probably need to do a breathing treatment. This was fine and nothing scary since we had to do this when Jace had croup 2 weeks ago. The doctor said that he didn't sound bad but that his breathing appeared to be labored worse than he sounded. After his first treatment he really sounded to be wheezing. His lungs were so tight that they didn't sound bad and the treatment loosened them up to hear how junky they were. His oxygen levels were 95 before the first treatment and after hearing the wheezing she said we needed to do another treatment. That treatment worked. His oxygen levels only went up to 96 but the fact that he sounded clear and the O2 levels increased she was satisfied. We were sent home with a presciption for breathing treatments and an antibiotic for the secondary sinus infection he has as well. We were at the appointment for 2 hours! Getting his breathing to normal and then updating the doctor on Jace's history and medical events that had occurred since July when we last saw her. I love that she is genuinely concerned and yet doesn't seem to freak out or get worried to touch him due to the seizures and genetic issues. I am happy to be back with a doctor that knows his history from day one and I feel truly listens and thoroughly checks him. She also keeps in mind his seizure issues. She said no daycare until he is better and not because she is concerned about him passing on the bug but she doesn't want him to get another infection on top of this because illness can and will lower the seizure threshold. I scheduled an appointment 2 weeks later for us to do his 18 month check up and for her to follow up and see how well his chest has cleared up.

I was not aware of how difficult it can be to get a nebulizer! WOW!
I had always heard they were expensive....so I was concerned about getting insurance to cover it.
Come to find out insurance will cover a nebulizer but only if you get it at a medical supply company within network for our insurance. I was on the phone trying to find a nearby place until almost 5 pm. The store I did find told me at 4:30 pm that they could get it for us but it would have to be tomorrow. WHAT?? I am NOT waiting until tomorrow to get Jace his breathing treatments when he has to have them every 4 hours!
So I decided to just bite the bullet and pay full price for the nebulizer and get it from Walgreen's. I should have just done this to begin with but I was trying to get it to process through insurance. We have insurance for a reason but it seems to be more of a joke most of the time!

WOO - I am EXHAUSTED mentally after today. I admit it was hard to keep this chin up and remember I am enduring these little what seems to be pointless battles for a reason. A reason much greater than I will ever know. God has his hand in this all and I know that He will provide and protect. I think I need to start praying harder for a break though. LOL

To add in some good news.....Jace's ears are PERFECT! Tubes are still in place, working and his ears look incredible she said! WOOHOO!! :)

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