Sunday, December 5, 2010

Firsts and Seconds

*pause the music on the left sidebar before watching the videos*

This weekend was BUSY!
Lets talk about a First.....Jace's First Haircut on Saturday!
With Jace's extended EEG coming up I knew we HAD to do something with Jace's hair. It had gotten so long and getting glue out of it would be such an endless task.

We were choosing between Cool Cuts for Kids or Pigtails and Crewcuts.
Well after calling both places we decided to go with the one with the most professional sounding staff - Pigtails and Crewcuts. After all they were going to be in charge of cutting Jace's hair without scaring him.
I have to rave about Pigstails and Crewcuts! They did incredible with Jace. He didn't shed one tear!
I am pretty sure that the main factor that kept Jace content was the DumDum lollipop I brought for him.
We took many pictures and some video which I compiled together. Enjoy!

I can see the Fingerprints of God

He doesn't look like a baby anymore :(
After getting his haircut it was lunch time at Chick-fil-a! YUM!
Jace loves eating there as much as we do.
And he should I ate it ALL the time when I was pregnant with him!

And for the seconds.....After lunch it was time for Jace to go see Santa for this year!
It was surprising that there wasn't a long line to see Santa like last year. At Bass Pro Shop they offer a free 4x6 picture with Santa. How much better could you get than free?!
Jace again didn't shed a tear - he did look at Santa like "Who in the world are you?" :)

It was time to go home after seeing Santa........but first a piggy back ride from daddy!

Classic plumber's crack

Another first - Jace eating off a plate like a big boy. My mom has been working with Jace eating off a plate or out of a bowl and its appears to be successful!

Lil Bit enjoys Jace at times and even tries to play with him. Here they are playing with Lil Bit's teddy bear.

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