Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Phase I Evaluation: Day 2 Part 1

So far today has proven to be what I thought it would be. Jace became a monster for a while - fighting his naps and just crying and screaming. He finally gave in (only reason I am blogging right now HA!) and is napping peacefully. He needs it!

JB came by at lunch time - even brought Chick-fil-a with him for all of us! YUM! Chick-fil-a and JB can make anything we are going through pleasant. I love seeing my husband's face. I miss not being in our home on these cold days snuggled up with him. I know its only been one night but still....being away from home for an unknown amount of time is no fun.
Jace is really missing his Daddy too. He says Dada ALL the time; usually when he is trying to fall asleep - its like he is looking for him because he wants to see him before going to sleep. He was so excited to see his daddy today! They played and laughed.....I love watching those two interact. It melts my heart and really shows how blessed Jace is to have such a great daddy and I am to have him as my husband!

This morning I was told by the nurse that Jace's seizures have been frequent enough that the doctor SHOULD be satisfied with the information to proceed with the MEG scan and MRI, hopefully tomorrow. This has not been confirmed yet, but from his experience, after having as many seizures that Jace had yesterday and today its usually enough to go from. The great part (if there is anything great about this) is he didn't have to wean off his medications at all for this process! WOOHOO!! That really scared me. I thought we would be sitting in here weaning him off the meds to get him to do the head drop ("SCARY") seizures for days. I was really dreading that and I pray to God I NEVER have to see those scary episodes again. They are satisfied with catching the typical seizures he has at home recently on the EEG and using that info. From what I get from this overall is that the scary seizures he had in the past were probably more likely his seizures getting out of control and his brain fritzing out because of them. Now that he is on medications that is calming the brain, to an extent, we should be able to see a focal area. At least that is what we are praying for.

This update may be a part 1 for today....we will see if there is anything worthy of blogging about later today!

Proof that he DOES in fact have an off switch

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