Friday, November 30, 2012

One Year, Almost 6 Months, and 2 Weeks

Its been a year since Jace had his Tuber Resection surgery, Levi is almost 6 months old, and we have been in our new house for 2 weeks! 

Since surgery Jace has grown and changed tremendously! Its almost like having another birthday for him. The day they stopped the seizures was the day he "woke up"! We still have some work to do with his speech but he has improved so much already. I am very thankful that his personality is still the same. He is sweet, nurturing. funny, and a stubborn! ;) 
Going into the surgery it looked like a huge mountain at the time, but looking back it was just a speed bump. God has funny ways of increasing our faith! 

Isn't he just too cute??

He has had a haircut since this picture - he's still handsome as ever! 
I am still impressed that the scar is nearly invisible! 

Levi is almost 6 months old! WHAT?!!?  Yes! I thought life went quick when Jace came along - its only gone faster adding Levi! So far Levi has 2 teeth and is working on more. He can roll all OVER the place and is working on sitting up. He's not fond of bottles - AT ALL, is showing a big interest in food, and sleeps with mommy and daddy! 
I had started the monthly pictures with him as I did with Jace. 

I took Levi's 5 month picture but its on my computer which is down. I am using my husband's right now :) 

Justin and I have been blessed and moved to a bigger house with a nice neighborhood! 
We closed on the house 2 weeks ago today. 
I am so excited about the new house and area! 
Now that I stay at home with the boys this makes it so much better. We live close to friends and family and I feel safe walking around the neighborhood with the boys! 

I am going to try to do better about updating the blog. It will be a little difficult not being on my own computer but JB is good at sharing ;) 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Levi's Newborn Photo Shoot

We had the privilege for Levi's newborn picture to be taken by KRae Images
Levi was 4 days old in these pictures...I miss this cuddly squishy baby! 

You can find her site HERE

She is like the baby whisperer!! 
Every times Levi started to wake she had this gift of getting him back to sleep and comfy. 
She has moved to Dallas but I HIGHLY recommend her!!! 

The bear hat I crocheted for Jace

This is JB's glove and one of his home run balls 

And of course - the fabric used in his nursery! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

June Bug's Journey

Saturday morning I woke up to JB asking me (as he had everyday lately) if the baby was coming today. 
I told him "No, I don't think so". I hadn't felt any different than I had the past week. All week I had been getting these off and on almost timeable, almost uncomfortable, almost "maybe this is it" contractions. After 3 days of those I quickky realized not to depend on them and shrugged them off as annoying. I did however remind myself that if they WERE real contraction that each one was one contraction less that I had to endure when real labor started. 
Saturday morning I told JB we were going to get castor oil and go walking around as much as possible. 
JB's sister and mom came to get Jace for the day. We wanted his mom to spend time with Jace since she has become ill with cancer. So JB and I got a day alone. It was nice and just what we needed. 
We went to Tomball for lunch and walked around a couple stores before going to buy the castor oil. I realized I needed an empty stomach before taking it so I watied to take it. 
We went and checked out some of JB's dream trucks for a while then headed home. 
As soon as we got home, about 3pm, I mixed some castor oil - just half the recommended dose - with Dr. Pepper. I downed it - NAAAAAASTY! LOL The oil coated your mouth like you just drank grease from a skillet after cooking a pound of bacon! BLECH! 
I was worried about the stomach cramps I may get but that didn't happen. I had the typical results of castor oil HOURS later but it was not bad at all. I was contemplating taking another dose after nothing really happened but it was getting to be late in the evening. I didn't want to be up all night on the toilet and then go into labor and be EXHAUSTED if I go into labor. 
Jace was brought back at dinner time and we just settled in for the night. I was about to get ready to settle in for the night when I deccided I wanted to go walk around somewhere to see things can get started. 
I was grasping for straws.....I was desperate. My contractions always started to happen in the evening but I never went walking to see if they would progress more. This time I asked my mom go to with me to Target to walk around. We got to Target and walked around for about MAYBE 10 mins when I felt pressure to go pee- BAD!! I told my mom I would meet up with her in the baby section after I went to the bathroom and I started off to the front. I took a step and felt a trickle. No way did I just pee on myself???.....
I looked at my mom and said " I think I just peed on myself...." I was mortified and I was wearing WHITE shorts!! LOL I took another step to try to make it to the bathroom and each step I felt more trickling. 
I told my mom "That's not pee - my water broke!!" 
I asked her to buy a towel and meet me at the car. I texted JB to tell him my water broke and he replied "SHUT UP!! REALLY??"  Since I had just left the house with no signs of labor (no more than what I had been having all week) it was a surprise to us all! 
I knew that even if my water was broken it could be hours before I went to the hospital. I planned to labor at home for a long as possible. 
I contacted my doula to let her know and she asked me to let her know when I needed her to come over. 

Once we got home I see Justin sitting on the couch dressed with his shoes on. I giggled to myself and assured him we would not be going to the hospital that soon. We had my mom sleep in our bed so if we left in the middle of the night then Jace would find her in there since thats where he goes when he wakes up. 
Justin and I got comfortable on the couches and waited. Finally about 11 pm Justin decided he was going to sleep since it was not looking to be very soon that we were leaving. I was glad he decided to do that - JB with no sleep makes for a very grumpy papa bear ;)

I told my doula that I was having contractions but nothing painful. It was just tightening. She recommended I get some sleep since this was the VERY early start and to let her know when I needed her. 

The contractions woke me up about midnight coming every 3-5 minutes lasting for a minute. They were not VERY painful but then were uncomfortable. In between the contractions I was not in pain. Looking back these were not very painful and its amazing how slowly and gently labor begins. The gradual process is the saving grace of dealing with the pain. 
Knowing that contractions were real I texted Megan, my doula. She came over to the house about 1:30 am. 
Once she was here I continued to track the contractions and after about an hour I felt silly having her come over at that time. She napped on the rocker and I finally tried to get some more sleep on the couch. I remember a few contractions waking me up with great intensity but after I was able to doze back to sleep. I am SO glad I slept - my doula really knew what she was talking about! I NEEDED that sleep to be ready for the day. 

Around 6 am she had me go walk around the block to see if we could get the contractions stronger. It worked. We walked around the block a few times while laboring at home when the contractions started to slow down. It seemed like everytime I used the birthing ball my contractions would slow down. I used it mainly to get a breath when the contractions were getting intense. Beside walking and using the ball I got into the shower quite a bit. Somehow the shower really made my contractions intensify......I was amazed how it caused them to ramp up. Megan was incredible.....almost every contraction she was there rubbing my back. She really never left my side! 
JB was getting a bit antsy as my pain increased. He kept asking me when we were going to head to the hospital. I was not sure - I felt like I was coping ok and from what I've read you don't go to the hospital until you feel you can't cope anymore. I didn't want to get there too early and then have to be on their timeline but I for sure didn't want to get there too late either. I was in the shower and I got a little fed up with him asking me so I got out and said "ok lets go!" I just KNEW we were going too early but I was getting aggravated to be completely honest LOL Megan agreed saying she thinks we should go. In my head I really thought I could continue on here at home. So at about 11:20 we loaded up in the car and headed to Katy Memorial Hermann Hospital. 

We checked in around noon. I had never called my doctor's office to notify them that my water broke or that I was in labor. I felt it was pointless since my dr was on vacation and it was the weekend so the on call dr wasn't even going to be from my dr's office. The nurse checking me in was not amused about this information but oh well - these is no law saying I HAVE to call them about my water breaking ;) 

As soon as we got on the L&D floor and was given a room I went straight to the shower before they had me hooked up and I couldn't move around. Between doing that and Megan asking the nurses to please see that I can move around some and not be on constant monitoring and for some towels I got about 10 more minutes to labor without a "tether". Once I was out of the shower they got me fully checked in and I gave them my birth plan. I really pushed to get a Hep Lock rather than an IV since my dr had agreed to this. Since there were no notes about this and she was not able to be contacted the on call doctor had to make the call - she said no. Big surprise right? UGH! They couldn't get the IV started in my arm and I ended up with one in my hand of all places. The nurse did agree to let me get off the monitors here and there as long as they could come in and see that the baby was happy on the monitor every so often. 
The nurse finally checked me. She said my water was not broken, the bag was bulging and I was at a 7 cm. 
SEVEN CM?!?! seriously? I thought I was maybe 4-5 but 7??? I was still joking here and there between contractions and was even a little hungry still. I figured my pain would have been much worse for me to have gotten to a 7! I was pleased with this. They explained that my water probably did break up high and it leaked. They tested to see if there was amniotic fluid leaking but it came back negative. Then again it had been HOURS since my "water broke" at Target. They offered to break my water further but I KNEW that was what made my contractions not so intense. I knew once they broke the water all the way that I would be in much more pain. In fear of that I declined. I also wanted to see if I could progress farther before doing that. 

From here on our my contractions really increased in pain and in frequency. I don't remember details but I remember they still slowed each time I sat on the birthing ball. I was glad to have that there to use as a break when needed. 

Megan was there massaging my back with each contraction. She reminded me that I was doing great. 
JB was there also reminding me how well I was doing. I could tell some of the contractions I was having made him uncomfortable. I could see it on his face that he wasn't thrilled about seeing me in pain but he never once asked if I wanted pain meds. The nurses also followed my wishes and no one ever asked if I wanted anything for pain. At least I don't remember anyone asking. 

Around 3 pm the nurse said I was about 9 cm and she thinks that if we broke my water that I would be pushing very shortly after. She felt the water was keeping the baby from coming down completely. I finally agreed to break my water. This is where they made me stay in the bed since they knew things were going to happen so quickly once this was done. My water was broken and about 15-20 mins later I was 9.5 cm. They had me lay in the bed at an angle to help the baby drop down and then about 3:45 pm they put my on my side. The nurse said this was an old midwife trick that helps the baby drop in to the birth canal. Once she put me on my side I was in PAIN!! The worst pain I had felt yet! OMG!! I didn't WANT to lay on  my side......but I knew it was helping. This is about the time I started to question if it was too late to get an epidural and what I was doing. I was thinking there is no way I could push with all this pain! I couldn't even lay on my side.....pushing was NOT on my list of abilities at the moment. 

The nurses and doctor prepared to have the baby delivered as JB took pictures. 
They checked me and said it was time to push. 

Looking back I knew it wasn't quite time. I wasn't feeling the urge just yet. The doctor had me push a few times and that seemed to get the baby to drop more. After a while I finally felt that strong urge to push. 
Its such an animal like can NOT control the urge. I do wish that I was not so coached during the pushing because I felt I pushed too fast, especially when the baby was crowning. I was getting mad at my nurse but never said anything because I didn't have the energy to no concentrate on pushing this baby out. She was yelling in my ear that I could do this and to PUSH.....and I don't remember what else but I was ANNOYED! I think she finally got the idea that I was getting irritated and toned it down some. Thank God! I remember honestly thinking in my head that I wanted to punch her - that is NOT like me LOL 
The doctor knew I did not want to be cut and I wanted them to let me tear if it were to happen. I did tear, however had the doctor had time to cut me I know she would have. I tore in the direction that was not favorable but the baby came out too quickly for her to help avoid it. 

Once the baby was out I heard JB say it was a Boy then I heard a nurse yell it was a boy since every one couldn't hear JB. He was too excited and tearing up to say it loudly. 

On June 10th, 2012 at 4:45 pm, we had another beautiful baby BOY! 
Levi Wright Bryan 
8lbs. 7 oz.  and 20 in. 

We were overcome with JOY! Finally getting to meet this little guy was a rush! 
(excuse the pictures - they were blurry but they are ever so priceless!) 

Big Boy! 

Nursing for the first time. He was doing really well until they realized his breathing was a little labored. 
They took him away for a bit to monitor him. 

Snug as a bug! Instant love at first sight! 

Even for Daddy! 

Full body shot! Perfect as can be! 

Daddy and Levi relaxing 

Time for his hearing test! 

Looks like mini headphones! DJ Levi

We had a few visitors stop by. 

Latisha and Lisa


24 hours later and were told we were going home! YAY!! 

Getting baby boy dressed in his brothers going home outfit 

And we are headed to home sweet home! 

Jace was at Justin's sister's house while we were at the hospital. While he was there he was sick with some tummy issues so he didn't get to meet Levi until the morning after we got home. 

Here is the video of him meeting Levi. 

He wasn't impressed. He was more excited to see Mommy.
He didn't want anything to do with Levi at first.

Our first family picture!  

Levi brought Jace a Spider man Bubble gun! 

Jace missed a nap this BIG day because we had to take Levi to the pediatrician. 
Since there was no nap it was a VERY difficult day for all of us. 

First outing to the doctor! 

Jace actually gave Levi a kiss on the head while at the doctor. 

After a few days Jace started to warm up to Levi. 
We finally got him to want to be by his brother and we had to capture a picture. 
Heaven sent! 

He seems to like his hands - hes even found his thumb a few times. 

We quickly learned we could not give Levi a paci since he was preferring it over nursing. 
That didn't stop Brother Jace from playing around with it! 

"Whistle while you work" 

I never got a picture of Megan, my doula, and Levi at the hospital. She came by to visit and brought her beautiful daughter Cora as well. 

Loving on my sweet oldest baby boy! 

A week later Jace asked to hold Levi........Finally! :)

Again its amazing how quickly the belly leaves......this is one week postpartum

Once the circumcision was healed I was able to start the cloth diapers!
Look at that cute green fluffy butt!! :)