Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Post Op EEG and MRI

Tomorrow is Jace's post op EEG and MRI. We have to check in at 6:30 am and the EEG will be at 7 am. 
Right after that we will be brought into the MRI to get sedated. 
We will get to see the MRI on May 3rd with the neurosurgeon and the EEG results we will get May 11th. 
Please continue to pray that we get results that are astonishing and can only point to the work of our God's hands! I know the results will come back perfect and we have been praying to God in thanksgiving for this! 

Jace's language has been improving and impressing us big time. 
Its exciting to see all the new things he has picked up and to see him bloom! 

He tells us his name now! :)

Daddy has been taking Jace to ride bikes in the afternoons after work. 
He has done pretty well pedaling (while we push) his bike. 
He isn't quite strong enough and his legs aren't quite long enough yet to pedal by himself but he does great!

I took Jace to the park the other day and he had a BLAST! 
We were there for 2 hours.....I was exhausted afterwards but it was worth it! 

That evening Jace was playing with his puzzle and surprised me by actually doing it!! 
We are proud! :)

Jace loves to watch me cook. He pulls a chair up next to the stove and we cook! 
I was making spaghetti the other day and had all the spices setting out. He thought he would help by stacking all the spices up. Now....if I can get him to either alphabetize them or put them in order that I add them to the sauce. 

We are down to 6 weeks until June Bug's estimated debut date. 
This baby is way feistier than Jace was! 
Jace is a pretty laid back person (like me) but I think one is going to be JB all over! ;) 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sew Busy!

Today was another check up with my OB. Everything is going well.
The heart rate was 142.....from what I can recall Jace's heart rate was in the 160s. 
I didn't find out what my belly measured this time but its not really important anyway ;) 

The next appt is in 2 weeks and she will check to see if I have dilated at all. 
To be honest, with all these contractions, I will be surprised if I have no progression at all. 
Then from then on out I will be seeing her weekly - I can't believe its getting THAT close! 

With Jace I carried him so low that I never got the chance to utilize the belly......
....this time I get to use it to put my milk on for my cookies. :) 

This past weekend Justin planned to take Jace to Lexington so I could stay home and sew. 
Jace loves to be with his daddy and go to the barn. 

Jace gets to ride in the truck with a big boy!

Jace realized that he can ride along on Papa's chair! LOL 
Justin told me he would ride then tell Papa to "stop" and get off. 

JB always works himself to the max in Lexington. 
Beside mowing he had dirt hauled in to level out the sides of the barn's slab. 
Doing this AND chasing after a toddler all weekend - he was pooped! 
Its a blessing that he works so hard but sometimes I wish he could just lay back and relax. 

On the way back from Lexington they stopped to see Nana, Casey, Aunt Mitty, Uncle Zane, Shelby and Jordan. While he was there he got another Easter basket from Aunt Mitty! 
He loved it all! 

While they were in Lexington I stayed home to sew.
Beside sewing I made it a point to go see Ashlee's new baby boy! 
Aren't they both adorable!? 

I had most of the fabric cut but the HUGE curtains I hadn't touched yet. 
I was kind of dreading them because they were HUGE!

Look at ALL the fabric!!

I guess this can be considered very early (in-utero) sewing lessons! 
Cutting fabric and sewing around this tummy was not easy. 

It's amazing to me that I have not been sewing for even a year and I created a crib skirt from just those three items.......

I made the crib skirt where it connected with velcro. Easy to remove and was even easier to sew. 
I will admit - after this project I am over piping and sewing for a little while! 

Other than the trip I made to see the new baby I was at the sewing machine NON-STOP! 
I was calling our bedroom The Bryan Sweatshop......with the lamp, sewing machine light and the iron on it was WARM in that room! 

The curtians were brown, green piping and the gorgeous paisley fabric! 

I decided after hanging the curtains that I need to sew some pull/tie backs as well. 
I will be making those with the left over paisley fabric. 

Since crib bumpers are not safe and I don't like to use them I didn't even waste my time making them. 
I will be using the breathable bumper that we used for Jace as well. 

The room is almost done. We just ordered the giraffe decal below to put next to the crib. 
I LOVE how the giraffe is peaking into the crib :) 
So sweet!! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter "Ted"

We spent the weekend in Lexington for Easter. The weather was perfect and it was pretty relaxing!

Jace has mastered drinking milk from the bowl after he finished his cereal :) 

After breakfast it was time to help daddy cut the grass. 

JB has kept the land looking GREAT! 

Friday and Saturday evening we had dinner with Papa and other guests.
Jace was fixing Papa's chair with his new John Deere tools :)  

Jace and Justin flew a kite on Saturday when the wind was pretty steady for the kite. 

I knew what the Easter Bunny was bringing Jace for months now! 
He LOVES "Ted" (Mr. Potato Head)! He runs the name together and we get Ted LOL 
Actually as of today he has gotten better about trying to pronounce the name correctly. 
Ted is just easier sometimes and well....its cute! 
A basket built for a boy! 


Excited when he realized "Ted" was in the basket!

So excited to have his own "Ted"! 

Easter Egg Hunting Time!! 


After the egg hunt we went to take some family/maternity/Easter/Spring pictures. We used the same photographers that did our Christmas pictures, they are incredible!

After the pictures we headed back to Houston. We put Jace down for a nap when we got home but Jace hardly slept. He must have been too excited about "Ted" and "Esssss" (Eggs). 
When he was up we had another egg hunt in our backyard then we went to the evening church service where he got to hunt MORE "Esssss" LOL 

Since Easter Jace has been ALL about his "Ted"! 
I probably get more excited about little stuff than a typical parent would. 
I am so excited when I see him hit more developmental milestones. just because I know how bad it COULD have been had we not gotten control of the seizures. 
Tonight he wanted me to come play "Ted" with him in his room...BEGGING me! 
So I went in there and while playing if he has trouble getting an arm off Ted he would hand it to me and ask "Hep?" (Help). I would fix it, hand it back to him and he would tell me "Tank Jew" (Thank you)
Hearing this melts my heart! :) 
He has been a little clingy this week but he has been sick. We were home yesterday with a fever. He pretty much got what he wanted - all the Buzz movie and Ted his little heart desired! 

After my post last week about the contractions I did end up going into L&D. I had been having contractions on Wednesday for hours almost every 20 mins. I never had this with Jace so I was concerned. I called my OB and they told me to come in to get monitored. The contractions had slowed down around 2 pm but they were still happening. When I went in I only had one contraction that hour. So, I was sent home and told to drink water and lay down for an hour when these occur. I can drink water easily but laying down for an hour isn't something I can just do at work. Leaving work to lay down at home isn't really optional either. It would take 2 hours out of my day if I drove30 mins home, lay down for an hour and then 30 mins back to work. 
So for now, I am keeping an eye on this and taking it easy where I can. 

So here my 32 week belly! Its growing quite a bit! 

I caught June Bug dancing in the belly tonight :) 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bye Bye Piggies!

Yep - its that time ......they are slowly disappearing! 

I went in for a check up today with my OB. June bug's heartbeat is still in the 140s (142 bpm).
I am still measuring ahead 1.5 to 2 weeks. Dr. Cole remembered that Jace measured ahead like that. He was 8 lbs. 3 oz. when he was born and I told her I was an 8 lb baby as well. I may bot be a big person but I seem to just make big babies :) 
I mentioned to her the cramping feeling I had last week and some this week. She said that it was ok as long as it was sporadic. If there is a rhythm or there are other "things" that go on then I need to go in. 
If not, I go back in 2 weeks for another check up. 

Jace's follow up EEG and MRI has been scheduled for April 26th. 
I am probably more excited about this than I should be! 
I am excited that this EEG will show no more seizures and we will get to wean him from his medications.
I am asking for our prayer posse to keep this in prayer. I want the results of these tests to come back SO great that only glory can be given to God! 

Today was Jace's 3 month eye check up. I was worried how well he would do with the eye drops and the exam since he is MUCH more aware of everything now. He did INCREDIBLE!!! 
I told the doctor that Jace's eyes water BAD sometimes when he watches TV. I mean it looks like has bawling sometimes! I was concerned and hoped it was not a vision problem and was allergies. 
He checked his focusing and it was fine.....then asked if Jace would allow him to use the slit lamp on him. 
I was not sure but I figured its worth a shot! 
This is the slit lamp:

Jace actually let him use this! I was so proud that he was a big boy and let him check his eyes with this. 
He could tell with this exam that his eye issue is indeed just allergies. He wrote a prescription for allergy eye drops and we were sent on our way. I decided to get back on the Zyrtec before using the eye drops. If its allergies it means that the random running nose and all need to be treated as well. Since the eye allergy is not bad and Jace's eyes are never red I wanted to do something to handle the full picture. 
Starting the Zyrtec again tonight made me realize that I think Jace is still traumatized from unusual syringes. 
I tried to use a CVS syringe and not the one from the specialty pharmacy for his typical meds and he freaked! I had to use the syringe we always use and even then he was NOT happy about taking anything but his regular medication. 

Jace saw some blocks in the store when we went grocery shopping last Friday. 
He was so excited about them that Daddy got them for him! :) 

Showing his blocks off :) 

This past Saturday we went to Justin's sister house for a crawfish boil. YUM! 
They had a vintage rocking/bouncing horse and Jace LOVED it! 

Jace asks almost everyday for "Baf" (Bath)......not just any bath but a bubble bath! 

We play with his foam letters in his bath all the time and he knows a few letters like M and O. 
But he surprised me and he said "ax" and sure enough he had the letter X! 
We hadn't even gone over that letter at all during the bath or even that day! 

I stuck the X on his belly and we took a picture :) 
This is his new serious cheese face! 
He takes his picture taking serious! LOL

No bubbles tonight but the ones that Jace was blowing LOL