Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bright Horizons

Jace is such a great big brother! 
Don't get me wrong....he is a bigger brother, but he is sweet as can be at times with Levi. 
The other night he wanted to read a book to Levi before bed. 

I am not ready for potty training with Levi yet...mainly because I am still trying to get our new puppy, Cooper.  BUT....Levi may have other plans. He has been showing interest in the potty. 
Levi came up to me and told me "poo poo" then ran to the bathroom. He wanted to use the toilet. 
I went with it. Removed his diaper and put him on the potty. 
He never actually went but when I told him to go poo poo he did grunt and push LOL 
It is a start and the fact that he started it is great! 

Along with an interest in potty training, this little guy is teething pretty bad!! 
He has been whiny and clingy. 
I know this is a phase and it will pass but goodness it makes the days long. 

Jace has been doing great since he has weaned off his medication. 
He has been focusing better and I can tell thinks are clicking more for him. 

We had Jace's ARD meeting this past week. 
His goals were updated to things that most kids his age need assistance learning. 
There are a few things that he is behind in but I think he will improve with the continuous support he has been getting. I have said it before and I will say it again, his teachers and speech therapist are phenomenal! Jace has come so far in just a year! It way more than I thought could happen and I am so grateful for what PPCD has done for him. 

Along with the new goals, his teachers say that he is ready for kindergarten!! 
Jace will be in kindergarten this fall! As scary as this is, its just as exciting. 
I imagine for any parent the feeling is the same. We are a little worried about the chance of Jace being bullied but that again is probably a normal fear. 
What I do know is that Jace will make friends! 
He is so loving and nurturing. He is friendly, kind, and accepting to everyone. 
There is a bright horizon ahead and Jace is going to SHINE in kindergarten! 

Besides prayers for Jace's new journey into kindergarten, we do need some prayers for his health. 
We went to the nephrologist since Dr. Von Allmen mentioned seeing the cysts on his kidneys in the ultrasound. The nephrologist said that we don't need to worry about the two cysts we found. They are 3 mm in size at the moment. That is tiny! But we do need to monitor them yearly. Typically, the cysts grow with time and it is not until someone is much older before they cause issues. 
God has had his hand on Jace with seizures so I know HE will handle this. 
My specific prayers are that the cysts never grow in size and never cause any issues for him. 
God is our healer and HE is in control! 

Thank you so much for the prayers. We love our prayer posse! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bye Bye Banzel

Prayers are answered all the time....and we have so much proof! 
Tonight was the last dose of Jace's medication. 
The only thing we have to give to Jace on a regular basis now is a multivitamin! 

I am beyond excited for him....for his future.....for everything! 
I am even welcoming that feeling of forgetting something I am sure to face for a while. 

Our God is an awesome God!! 
Thank you for the prayers.....God has been listening to us. 
Please persist with the prayers that Jace continues to grow and develop the way that he is and that Levi never has to encounter any of what Jace has had to face. 

We love all of Jace's Prayer Posse! 
Thank y'all!