Saturday, August 29, 2015

One Week Down

The first week of school for Jace went pretty smooth and quick! He jumped right back into routine. 

I pray that this year he learns so much and catches on to everything, right along with his peers. 

We waited until after school started to get the boys' haircuts done - avoiding the crowds! 
I had the chance to take each boy separately. They both did well - not one whine or whimper.  

Handsome boy 

The best part is the lollipop after 😊

Little brother is just as handsome! 

We took a quick trip to Lexington, Friday night, to see Papa. 
The boys were so excited that Lincoln and Conley were there too. 

The boys got to swing one last time before we took down the swing in front of Papa's apartment. The branch it hung from was starting to get old and worn out. I just knew it'd be a matter of time before it broke. All the boys took a turn swinging and JB took it down. 
There are so many memories made by the boys on that swing. We've used it to get Jace to nap when he was a baby, pacify grumpy tots, and hear those sweet squealing giggles. 

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While the boys were playing outside, I notice Levi disappeared into Papa's house. I go in and find him at the table with the milk, a small spill, a cup, and a guilty face, complete with a milk mustache. He's getting too big for his britches! 

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Levi has two loveys but his absolute favorite is the Cars lovey. He can tell the difference between the two, even in the pitch black dark. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a little hole in it - no big deal.....right? Well that was until he was playing with it Friday night and it tore even more! I'm praying I can mend it with my sewing machine. I'm going to let Levi pick out the color thread in hopes to make it "fun". 

Saturday morning Jace stayed with Papa and Levi rode with us to the deer feeder. 
Out on the land Levi got to drive and help daddy fill the feeder. 

Cooper had a blast too! He loves the country but gets worn out quickly. He was in heaven swimming in the creek, rolling in the dirt, and running free all over the land! 

Before going home the boys loved up on Papa some more. 
Levi asked to stay at Papas house and us to  "pick him up" 
When we got home they were asking to go back to Papas house!  
Levi was even throwing a fit about it! :) 

Levi is such a character! He will stop what he is doing and just start to dance. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that mind when he does it. His personality is so much like his daddy's 
I love it! So random but so funny! 

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Once we made it home, I successfully saved Levi's cars lovey! 
I really surprised myself with how well I was able to sew it back together. 
Levi chose lime green thread.......and it doesn't look bad actually. 
Heres to hoping it stays intact for a while! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Flying Full Force into First Grade

Jace started 1st grade today and was so excited!

He jumped right back into his school morning routine and was eager to get to school. 
He even remembered that making his bed was an added part to his routine. 

Getting so big! 

Levi may be excited to get rid of his brother again but I know he will miss Jace. 

We gave Jace the option to let us drive him to school or catch the bus. 
He wanted to ride the bus! :( 
I thought I would get more time before I was rejected LOL 

I can't wait for Jace to get home from school to hear about his first day! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Last Weekend of Summer 2015

Now that I have finally figured out the uploading videos from a MAC I can get back to blogging :) 
I will be going back to fill in the huge gap from my last blog post to this one 

Jace is headed to 1st grade tomorrow!  
Being the last weekend we had to squeeze in some fun before summer was officially over. 

Our first stop was the Children's Museum of Houston
Both boys are finally big enough to navigate all it. 

They had SO much fun! 


Jace is practicing his power skills

Super Jace

Then Sunday my parents made a date to come get the boys and take them to Monkey Joes! 

I haven't seen Jace smile this big in a long time! 

Grandma, Pawpaw, and the boys were thoroughly exhausted! 
They should all sleep well!