Monday, July 29, 2013

Frio Family Vacation - Not Here for a Long Time, but Here for a Good Time

We have had a trip to the Frio river planned for quite a while. 
We were SO excited when the time came to go! 

We rented a condo with Justin's oldest brother and his family.
 It was the perfect set up for all of us and we all had a blast! 

Headed to Concan, TX

The condo were not right on the river but there was a pool! 

Jace playing in the pool with his cousins.

It was so gorgeous on the hill that the condos were on. 

Jace's favorite part was playing with Brooks! He loves his cousins. 

Kisses for baby brother! 

Hey, hey! You have about 20 more years until you can have some of those! 
(the box was empty for anyone worried we let our children play with beer) 

Naptime for Levi and Daddy

All 4 of us floated the Frio River. The river did require more walking than one would like but it was not too bad with the two boys with us. We would not have been able to be that leisurely about floating so it worked out well. We got each boy a tube of their own. Even when we got to the areas where you had to walk the boys were light enough to float across the few inches of water. The float lasted about 2 hours total. Both boys did AMAZING too! I can't wait to go back next year!  

The next day we went to the swimming hole at Neal's Lodge. 

Snack in the car before going to the swimming hole

The boys built a rock castle together. 

We went for a walk later on that evening......after a mess snack of course! 

And we also went to the dance they had one evening. 
The boys were tired but they enjoyed dancing! 

It was so sad to leave this gorgeous place but we will be back! 

Great memories made and we will be back next year! 

Cousins - built in friends for life! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday to our Sweet Jace

It was 4 years ago today that we were given a little boy that would turn our lives upside down! 

He has taught us so much and strengthened our faith more than we could have EVER anticipated.
 One of my wishes for Jace is that he keep his sweet compassionate personality! Sweetness like that is rare. 


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summertime Catch Up

Summer Time has been fun.....on top of that montrous birthday party, 
we have been to the pool quite a bit! 
Jace showing off his cuteness in his Puddle Jumper

Lunch is MUCH better pool side! 


When I took the boy's to have their birthday pictures taken I was so excited that Justin wasn't coming along! 
I was able to get a few pictures to use for his Father's Day gift. 
The boys gave Justin this frame and a card that said it was from his little monsters :) 

On June 20th Levi had tubes placed in his ears. Poor guy was miserable with his constant ear infections. 
The procedure was quick and easy - just as it was with Jace. 

The only down side was the week after his tubes were placed he came down with a nasty sinus least it didn't lead to an ear infection too! 

We spent the 4th of July in Lexington this year. 
We went and watched the fireworks show they put on at the park. 
Jace and Levi loved the fireworks! 

The boys waiting for the firework show to start

That weekend Jace got his first TBall stand and fishing pole. 
Naturally we had to test out both! 

Jace caught his first fish with Daddy's help! He LOVED fishing! 

Since moving to our new house we have met some incredible neighbors! 
God really had his hand in our move and the people he has placed in our lives. 
Some of the neighbors took a field trip to the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham, TX. 
We all enjoyed the tour and of course the ice cream....the best part was having my niece be our tour guide! 

Not only did we get to have a fun field trip with the neighbors this summer.....we had a block party too! 

Tons of pizza, live music, and great friends! 

Love these girls!! 

Jace's hair was starting to get long and shaggy around his ears so it was time for a haircut. 
These are NOT fun since he freaks out about it. 

This time I went with him alone while my mom sat with Levi. 

He freaks out more about the hair falling on him more than the haircut itself.
He sat in my lap this time instead of in the fun seats (taxi, plane, or firetruck)
It was easier to help hold him still this way and there was less butchering of his sideburns! LOL 

Since he allowed the lady yo cut his hair we went for a special treat afterwards - ICE CREAM! 

It has taken a while to get Jace to like ice cream again. He loved it when he was little but more recently he would not even try it. Even after we got him to taste it he would still refuse to eat any. 
One of our neighbors referred us to this little local ice cream shop ( and its AMAZING! It was here where Jace finally warmed up to ice cream and actually wants his own cup - the ice cream must have candy on top though! ;) 
Now, if we can get him to like birthday cake.......and cupcakes LOL 

Justin's company has an anniversary party every summer. We haven't been to one since Jace was born because his birthday party was always planned for the same weekend as the anniversary party. 
Since we celebrated the boys' birthday earlier this year, we planned to attend the company party. 

Thanks to Justin's sister and brother in law, we were kid free for the whole night. It was my first time to be away from Levi. It was really weird feeling but SO refreshing! We both needed this break and the boys really did have a great time! 

They both got to play with the show cattle!

Watch out PBR.....Levi is one tough guy!