Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bow Season and Selfies

This past weekend was opening day of bow season so we took a trip to Lexington for JB to hunt. 
First thing needed was to check the feeder and make sure its not only full but also throwing corn. 
Levi was quick to help daddy with this job. 

Lexington trips always require a stop at the auction barn for breakfast and walking the catwalk to see all the cows! 

Plus, Papa's house is one of the few places you can get away with eating ice cream way past your bedtime :) 

Levi has found how to take selfies with our phones. 
We never know what to expect when we get our phones back from Levi's possession. 
I had 3 sets of bursts and all were filled with some pretty funny pictures! 

And I will end this post with a Daddy/Levi selfie LOL 

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