Thursday, November 20, 2008

The First Appointment

Well.....I went to the doctor today. The doctors like to determine how far you are by your LMP (last menstrual period) and not include the length of cycles. So, My doctor was expecting me to be 8 weeks along. I knew that I was not that far along, after my most recent miscarriage my cycles went from the textbook 28 days to practically 40+ days.

The appointment was pretty simple, she asked if I had any questions then did an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed me at 6 weeks one day and not 8 weeks. The doctor then of course was not upset by it but was also not optimistic, going by my history. She told us that she wanted to see us again in 2 weeks exactly and she hopes to see the progression is the same on the ultrasound. Once she sees that she said she would feel more comfortable knowing that the baby is progressing good.

So with out further is the first picture of Baby Bryan.....

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