Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hello 2nd Trimester...........

Well I am officially in my 2nd trimester now and it feels.......GREAT! More than Great - its a milestone I for sure consider big! Which I consider my lower belly is becoming as well! I was looking at today's picture compared to two weeks ago and HELLO baby - he/she is a-growin' I know I will only get bigger and I actually can't wait. Besides the larger lower belly I have had heartburn pretty frequently! Tums have become my new BFF!!!! Yesterday was the weirdest thing ever - I had this weird nasty taste in my mouth - like metal or mold - and nothing tasted good at all! Even the Chili cheese hot dogs and fries were nasty to me! Today I am back to normal with the taste issue but WOW - this baby may come out hairy with this heartburn!

Over the weekend we picked up the bassinet that was passed from Brooks, to Lincoln and now to Baby's a very nice bassinet and gender neutral! With that I was also given a couple of nursing bras, a naming book and the Baby Wise Book that will come in handy in the future. So far quite a few people have been helping me out with maternity clothes, books, and other stuff I may need for baby later.....Thank you Kristen, Cathy, and Latisha! (and if I left anyone out I am sorry - I think I covered my bases though)

Also over the weekend we went to watch Justin's niece in her Cheerleading Competition....she was SUPER CUTE! Its amazing what those little girls can learn to do so young! YEAH Madison for an AWESOME performance. While I am on the subject of the nieces and nephews - I must say that McKaley and Grant are growing up so much! Brooks and Lincoln are just the cutest little boys ever!

1 comment:

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Congrats girl! I hated the 1st trimester! The 2nd was much better!