This weekend ended up being kind of a "Project June Bug" weekend.
We cleaned out the closet but we still had boxes and boxes of boy clothes all piled up in the room.
They had to go SOMEWHERE so I put them in the closet. They will stay there until we know what June Bug is and if its not a boy these boxes won't be staying in the closet.
Look how many boxes of boys clothes that have come back to us.
Thanks to Roxanne, Kristen, Aimee, Tierra and Misty - if June Bug is a boy we won't have to buy clothes until he is 3 years old! If June Bug is a girl then we have some major shopping to do LOL
The glider we ordered last weekend came in on Wednesday!
They told us 7-14 days and it was here in 3 days!
This glider is very comfy and I can sit cross legged in it! I think it will be perfect for nursing in.
I don't enjoy it too much (yet) as I am trying to stay disciplined and sit on the birthing/exercise ball.
On Friday I got to go visit this sweet face!
Justin's cousin and her husband had their first baby last week.
Ms. Adelyn Olivia! Isn't she precious!
I forget how small newborns are and really Jace was NEVER as small as she is.
I brought Kendra lunch as well as a mexican casserole for them to have dinner.
I remember how much that helped out when the church did that for us!
After visiting that sweetheart, I picked Jace up and we went to Brayden's 3rd birthday party!
It was pirate themed! All the little ones had fun!
Eating dinner with all the cousins!
Ryker, Brayden and Dani!
Jace and I spent Saturday morning together lounging around while JB worked.
We both enjoyed the glider for a bit while he watched Cat in the Hat.
I enjoy cuddling him as much as I can, even with this big ol belly in the way.
When JB got off work he took Jace to Lexington for the night.
He is such a great husband and daddy! He knew exactly what both Jace and I needed - a break!
Jace has been pretty ruthless towards me with his tantrums. I try my HARDEST to be calm about it but it doesn't seem to matter lately. Ignoring, giving him what he is asking for, correcting him for his actions, or praising him for NOT acting out....nothing works for me. He behaves for EVERYONE but me, even for JB.
JB said Jace only threw one fit all weekend for him.
Its hard to remind myself that he "lets himself go" with me. He knows I nurture and there is always that hug at the end of whatever no matter how he acts. I know he just feels safe with me and I am getting the brute of it all because all the changes lately have been with me......not JB. was a NICE break even though I missed them so much!
JB sent me a few pictures and a video while he was in Lexington.
Jace got to hang out with his cousins, Grant, Lincoln and Conley.
Got to have "lazy grilled cheese" at Papas!
Then stay up late to watch the UFC fight with the guys........
He didn't quite make it :)
How is he getting so BIG? Look how long those legs are!!!!
Sunday on the way home they stopped at the Yogi Bear Camp.
They got to visit Aunt Mitty's crew, Nana and Aunt Casey there.
Even though he didn't have his swimming trunks he still got to enjoy the water!
Started off being carried by Jordan until he got used to the water AND the crowds.
JB sent me this picture.....Jace went down these slides and enjoyed it!!
I was told that we will be going back there in the future!
While they were out playing I stayed home and an extent.
Saturday when they left I went to get some cloth diapers at Nurtured Family
Since most All in one or all in two cloth diapers are hard to fit on a newborn I went with prefolds and cover.
This is the most recommended way to cloth diaper newborns to about 3-4 months. This is also the cheapest way to cloth diaper. Who knows......I may like the prefolds with a cover and will stick with it.
After researching I am very partial to the all in two (or hybrid) diapers.
People ask why I am wanting to cloth diaper and its mainly because of the cost comparison.
Cloth diapers can be reused for future children and/or be resold.
The other reason is I have heard about all the poor baby bottoms that have had reactions to the chemicals put in the recently changed Pamper's DryMax diapers. I don't want to chance that with the new baby's precious skin. Jace never had reactions but the dry max was not out when we used them on him.
I am not "green" by any extra extent but it will be nice to know that I am helping the environment some also.
After shopping for cloth diapers, I painted my toes and relaxed a bit.
YES- I STILL have ankles!
Not like when I was pregnant with Jace and my ankles looked like this:

Later, I took a nice WARM bath! It was really relaxing to just soak in the warm water and listen to instrumental praise music on Pandora Radio.
The next morning I figured I would take the chance to prep the diapers.
They say brand new prefolds need to be washed MULTIPLE times..........or they can be boiled then washed 2-3 times. Um....that sounds MUCH easier!
So, I set up our HUGE pot and got some water boiling. I had 24 prefolds to boil so I did them 6 at a time.
This is to help strip the natural occurring oils and wax that cotton has.
See how flat all 24 diapers are before boiling and "fluffing" them in the wash.
Boiling and brewing ;)
I picked up items to make some detergent that is safe to use. Regular detergent can make the cloth become non-absorbent and cause messes. This is SO cheap compared to the safe detergents you can buy.
I did pick up some Lavender essential oil to add for a sweet fragrance to the diapers.
I will also put a few drops in the diaper pail in the nursery to help with smell - which I must say happens to occur with disposable diapers too. Those pails can be NASTY! LOL
Only need to use 1-2 tablespoons of the detergent for each load - this stiff will last FOREVER!
After washing the diapers you can see how fluffed up they get. This is all 24 again.
MUCH more absorbent and fluffy!
I also have 2 snap covers and 2 velcro covers. This is so I can see which of the two I prefer. So far its the velcro. Those snaps are pretty hard to undo and I feel like I might tear the diaper unsnapping them.
We will see how the velcro wears after so many washes.
The covers are great......the material is the kind that can be wiped down if wet and reused for a few more changes. This is why not as much covers are needed in comparison to the prefolds.
Monday JB had to go to work so Jace and I spent some time together. The tantrums were way less than they had been. I think we both needed a little break.
At lunch I was floored......he ate his peas and carrots - willingly!!!!
I even have video proof ;)
These will be added to many more meals
After JB was done at work we went to the mall to walk and also to get Jace some new shoes.
I noticed a few times he was saying Toes....and he was even saying it in a video that he took while playing with JB's phone. I was wondering if he was trying to tell us that his toes hurt. Sure enough - I checked his toes in his tennis shoes and they were almost crammed! I could tell they were getting uncomfortable for him.
The weird thing is he was wearing a size 8 and that's exactly what we had to get him. Not sure what happened to those shoes but they were for sure too small!
These are his new kicks - he was proud of them too.
Daycare said he was showing them off today :)
While at the mall we went stopped at Lids. Jace got the urge to dance LOL
We didn't catch the first bit of his boogie but we got his 2nd dance. He cracks us UP!
I went to my check up for June Bug today. There has been no change since last week.
My belly is measuring right at 39 weeks and the heart rate was 154.
When she checked me she did try to pull and get some things going. Not sure if it will help yet - we will see.