Tuesday, May 15, 2012

All I Wanted for Mother's Day......

All I Wanted for Mother's Day......was to be told that Jace's EEG came back normal
My prayers were answered! What an incredible testimony that God has been working in our lives and answering prayers! I can't thank you enough for continuing to pray for Jace. 

We were instructed to start decreasing his Sabril slowly following the below schedule. Sabril is the one drug that helped stop his infantile spasm looking seizures (we called them head drops or eye rolls). 
As much as I appreciate that medication I also am so glad to be parting ways with it. 
Its expensive, can cause permanent eye damage and well.....its a seizure medication. 
I am excited to see how much more Jace will come out with that fog being lifted. 

Once we get down to the 1/2 tab twice a day and are there for about 6 more weeks we will go back for a 24 hour EEG. This will be when June Bug is here so JB may be having to stay with Jace for this. 
We will play it by ear but I kind of hope I can work a way to where I can be there despite nursing a new baby. I know he LOVES his daddy but we all know Mommy's are the "go to" person when in the hospital. 

Jace's EEG report.........You read the right: 
Impression: This is a normal electroencephalogram with the patient awake and drowsy. No epileptiform discharges or electrographic seizures seen. 

Dr. Von Allmen did say that she normally doesn't like to wean meds before a year of no seizures but since Sabril can be damaging to his vision she thought it was time to wean off of it.
She said she thinks that he will always need to be on some type of seizure medication but I have faith that he will be medication free!!! 

Not only did I get these amazing results about Jace for Mother's Day but JB and Jace gave me this

Gorgeous - I know! 
These match my pink sapphire ring that JB got for me last year for our 4 year anniversary! 

Jace missed school on Friday since we had his appointment so on Monday I received another gift from Jace he made at school. How sweet is this? 


Today I went for June Bug's check up. We got to do an ultrasound too! 
Since June Bug was in position we didn't get any shots of the face. The face is facing my back which is exactly where this baby should be. I am so happy about this since Jace was sunny side up. Sunny side up is ok but it can cause some hard back labor. Going naturally, I wanted to avoid this and it looks like I will! 
There has been no more progression but that means little to nothing - I have to keep reminding myself that! 

I finished the cornice for the bedroom and JB hung it for me. I really think this completes the curtains! :) 

But my favorite part of the room is the giraffe decal! 
It was not the simplest thing to put up but JB and I did it! 

This weekend we will be making a little trip to Galveston. 
One last vacation with just our family of 3 before we become a family of 4! 

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