Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What a ZOO!

We took Jace to the Zoo on Friday! He LOVED it! 
We had gone last year for an Easter party with our company but he was so out of it from all the nasty seizures that he really didn't enjoy it. 
This time around he was ALL into it! 

We put Jace on the carousel. At first he freaked about sitting on the ride but once it started he was ok. 
He really liked it and after he kept saying "Ride!" :) 

He enjoyed the bird house once we saw an owl! 

At the Children's Zoo we let him play - even on the "big kid" playgrounds......

Climbing up, up, up and away! 

At the TOP! 

I think he favorite part of the animals were the monkeys......
but THE favorite part of this trip was Dora! LOL 

There were advertisements for a 4D show all over the place for Dora. 
If we knew he would wear 3D glasses we probably would have watched the show but I don't think Jace is quite ready to keep glasses on for the show. 

Jace the monkey!! 

Up close and personal with a Chimpanzee! 

Saturday was the 2012 Step Forward to Cure Tuberous Sclerosis Walk. 
I think there were more people there this year than last. 
It was fun but HOT! 

Everyone on our team, Jace's Prayer Posse, all had children under the age of 3!
Between stopping to deal with the tots and a overly pregnant woman walking we were the last one to pass the finish line! LOL It was not a race but it was funny that our team was last. 
Jace and his cousin, Brayden, sharing the wagon. 

After the walk we had lunch and the kids played. 
I was still eating but Jace wanted me to take him to see the firetruck. 
He was pretty tired and hot but still wanted to go go go. 
I was taking too long to get up and take him to the firetruck and I got THIS look! 
It starts already?!!? 

Sunday JB had to fly out for work so my parents came over and my mom stayed for the few days he was gone. I really appreciated her help since dealing with Jace one on one these days is exhausting. 

On Sunday while both my dad and mom were over we went to the park. 

Paw paw was all over the slides and playground with Jace! 
Jace was LOVING IT! 
He really takes to the men in his life.

After the park it was time for swinging and the bubble gun in the backyard!  

I am officially FULL TERM......36 weeks! 
I still feel better than I did with Jace at this point. I am not swelling nearly as bad. 
I am also a lot more active - I have to be. Jace has me on my toes! :) 

I went to my weekly appointment and I went from being a fingertip dilated to a full 1 cm. 
Everything is still thick and high but dilating some is good enough progress for me. 
At least the pressure I have been feeling hasn't been frivolous. 
This time the baby was active and the heart rate was 165. My belly measured only a week ahead (37 cm). 
I think this is the point where Jace slowed down the growth from being 2 weeks ahead to being closer to the "expected" size. Next week we get to see June Bug again for a growth ultrasound! 

This Friday we go to Jace's appointment for his EEG results! I am SO excited to hear the results!
I can't wait to tell Dr. Von Allmen about how far Jace has advanced in the past 5-6 months since surgery! 

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