Monday, February 21, 2011

Could This Be a Test?

Jace has become a climbing fool lately! If he can get his knee up on it then he is going to climb on it!
As impressed as I am, I am also very scared to watch him climb.
Could this be a test.....for me to learn to let him learn if he falls? Probably so....

While JB was in Lexington framing walls in the barn I stayed here at home with Jace. Patti came over on Saturday to hang out for a bit. Saturday was beyond a lazy day for us....especially Jace. He took a 4 hour nap!! He probably would have slept longer but I worried he would not sleep at night so I woke him up.
Once he was up he was BUSY!! :) Its days like Saturday that I realize how much he is really learning and picking up. I wish I could be with him everyday all day but its just not feasible right now.
He was playing with his golf club bag as he usually does. He doesn't seem to want anything to do with the golf club. Patti made a remark that he was going to end up swinging that club and hitting someone soon.
Sure enough, after she left that evening he was walking around swinging the golf club. I thought for sure she showed him how to swing it while I wasn't watching. HA! :)
Could this be a test.......proving me that I don't realize how much Jace really can pick up on? Probably so....

More of Jace doing new things......closing the door by the handle. I am NOT looking forward to when he can OPEN the doors by the handles. And Jace showing me his belly button :)

Today we went to the follow up appointment with Jace's epileptologist. After seeing Jace and hearing how he is developing and learning much better than he was last year. Also, his seizures are less intense, less in frequency and overall improved. With this she said she thinks we should postpone surgery. She said in the long run she thinks he will have epilepsy surgery but when his is bigger. The bigger he is the better he will tolerate the surgery. This should give his brain time to focalize the seizure even more so surgery is much more straight forward. With that having been said I started to wonder...Could this be a test?
A test of our faith that God WILL heal Jace in His time.
All I know is I can hear God telling over and over that I need to just trust Him. He will heal Jace just as he healed me of my seizures. I have been too private about my healing and the miracle I have received from His healing hand. I no longer want to be worried that people are going to look at me like I am crazy - well because I am....i am crazy for God. I want Jace to to be just as crazy about God! I want him to have a HUGE testimony to share. This little man has a huge life ahead of him to live out for God. I can't wait to watch his life!

While we were at the appointment, they suggested speech therapy. It is not that he is behind but since we know the tuber is in the language area we want to be proactive. It already seems that his brain is moving his language to another area since he can and does pick up new words. The therapy can only help at this point. As much as it seems like a lot of work to get him to therapy 2-3 times a week I will do it for him. I don't want anything but him to have the best chance at anything!

We were also suggested to have an orthopedic to see him. He is very bow legged. He always has been but from what I understand he should be starting to straighten out by now. I am going to add his multivitamin back into his routine and we will get this checked out. I pray this is not an issue. Please pray that we don't have anything else we have to deal with. Our pedi made a remark about him being bow legged at his 18 month appointment but never went farther than that. I am sure its just written down for her to keep an eye on it. But, Dr. Von Allmen thinks it should be addressed now and not later.

This could be a test........a test of our faith......and we are going to pass this test with flying colors!
I am going to claim it now - Come June we are going to go into that follow up appointment and Jace is going to have NO more more more negatives!
He will be healed and I claim this in the name of Jesus! AMEN!

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