Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

I was getting bored with my hair.....

so I chopped it off! :)

I was hoping it would not be much maintenance to style but you can't have the cake and eat it too!

Its not TOO bad just more than I have been used to in the past.
With my long hair I could wash it at night, air dry it, sleep on it and get up and go no styling really required.

Now I have to spray it with water in the morning, blow dry the ends under then use a curling iron for the ends ....EVERY. MORNING. I don't mind because I did start to feel like I was letting myself go in away.

On to fun stuff.......well sad for me....Jace is getting TOO big TOO fast!
Last week JB was out of town for work all week. I usually have him deal with Jace in the evenings when I am in the shower if he is being difficult to get to bed.

Thursday night I heard Jace whining and I really didn't think anything of it. I clicked on the video to see this

That is Jace's little booty straddling the rail of his crib! He was whining because he was "stuck" LOL
He just clung to that rail and could not figure out how to get down. As I am walking to his room I see he figures out how to get back down in his bed. So he never officially made it OUT of his crib but it scared me. At that corner where he was trying to get out is where is dresser is and I could just see it now - him falling out of the crib, gashing his head on the corner of the dresser on the way down and then falling on a limb the wrong way breaking or tearing something! Not a vision you want to consider dealing with :(

I get into the room to find Jace took off his pants and as I am entering his room he rips of his diaper!!! WHAT A BOY!
I turn the lights on, get on the phone with JB and change Jace to his zip up PJ's that he can not strip out of.
JB and I discussed the crib issue and decided to wait until he came home to introduce him to the big boy bed. We wanted it to be linked to something "big".....Daddy comes home and he gets a new bed. So its not a major event but it seems to have worked! The zip up PJ's helped keep Jace from climbing out again. He can't lift his leg that high with those on so we were good to go that until Justin came back home.

Friday came and Justin made it back home. Since we got home LATE that night we waited until Saturday to change the bed to his toddler bed. We rearranged his room and the guest room to make Jace's room fun but not loud, in case he woke in the middle of the night and wanted to play. I made sure to ONLY put quiet toys in his room and I put a door knob thingy on the inside of his door. He can NOT escape.........BAAAHHHHHHAHHHAA ;)

So Jace's first time in his big boy bed was nap. I hear this is normally the most difficult time but he did AWESOME!

Friday we had gotten home late because we went to Sealy to visit friends.
Jace rode Kaden's 4 wheeler with him while we were there. He loved it!
Great news because we got that for his upcoming birthday! Can't wait to see him riding his own 4 wheeler!
Oh - Boys and their toys - its really DOES start this early!

Sunday we went to a pool party with family. It was hot but the pool made it SO nice and enjoyable.
Its always nice to spend time with family and let the little ones play together.
Jace was POOPED when we got home - I laid him on his couch and he cat napped for a short while before dinner, just like this:

The lawn needed some tending to when we got home from the pool party. JB took a picture of me mowing.
If anyone knows me I have no clue how to mow....and I have only pushed a mower that was on twice (this picture being my 2nd time).
Its not difficult by any means, I just never had to or learned to mow.

Jace's cheesy face on the 4th of July! :) Love that little man!


Jace's self portrait while shopping with mommy and daddy!


Well.....tomorrow JB and I will have been married for 4 YEARS! :)
We just fall more and more in love every day and I thank God for bringing JB into my life with every prayer!
We are getting out of town for a few days and its going to be relaxing!
My mom is so awesome and is going to watch Jace for us!

Will catch up more later!

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