Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bittersweet Goodbye to Daycares and Curls

Yesterday was Jace's last day at his school. Monday we will be changing daycares.
I am anxious about the change for Jace. I am excited but I pray its an easy transition.

Jace's teachers were so good to him. They love him and I know he loves them.
I wanted to show the teachers our appreciation for all they have done.

I made the two main teachers, Ms. Lina and Ms. Emily, S'mores in a Jar.
The tag says "There Should Be S'More Teachers Like You"

These jars are filled with Teddy Grahams, marshmallows, chocolate chips and brown sugar.
I hope these are yummy and they enjoy them :)

I made cards for the other teachers that really touched our lives and also the owner.
I really wanted to give praise on the teachers to the owner.
I think they really deserve the praise and for them to be recognized!

Football is here and I think we seem to be getting Jace into it :)
He sat on his couch and watched some of the game before bedtime with Daddy

I have been wanting to get Jace used to sunglasses and hats but I have not been very proactive about it.
I decided this week to buy some children's sunglasses. They are shatter proof but not completely unbreakable.

Jace did VERY well with them! He even practiced putting them on. He doesn't KEEP them on but he does better than he had in the past with sunglasses when we attempted.

I try to get Jace to jump but he hasn't quite learned how to.

Here is Jace's version of "jumping"

Today we had Jace's haircut - it is SHORT! I LOVE his long curls but he is pretty darn cute with short hair.
He has an upcoming EEG (next weekend) and the shorter the hair the easier to get that glue out. 
I am NOT looking forward to the 23 hour EEG next Saturday but we need to get it done.
This will show us if he is having seizures that we dont' see.
We see seizures but there are times where we are just not quite sure if he is in a seizure or not.

Here is the new short haired Jace

It's naptime here but after we will be headed to the Children's Museum! :)

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