Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rockin' and Rollin

We went and had Jace's 2 year pictures taken - it was on a whim but anytime we plan on them its a BAD day. I had an idea we would take him but no set plans. He did pretty well at his shoot ;)

Jace finally got to wear his Buzz PJ's

Because it is getting late and I am getting behind on blogging I am going to add
pics and videos with few words :)

Jace does his animal sounds - not perfect but he is pretty good at them! :)

Learning some BB skills from Dada!

We can not WAIT to get Jace involved in this football season!
We hope he loves it as much as we do! I think he will

Jace got this roller coaster for Christmas this past year. He was pretty scared of it. Every time we put him on the top of it he would go into a seizure. We stopped attempting it for a long while. After seeing how much he liked to ride the ride on part of this down the drive way I thought we should try the coaster part out again.

He LOVED it!

Since football season is starting SOON I wanted to squeeze Jace into the cutest longhorn outfit ever - just in case is doesn't fit once the season starts :) telling me Football Season ain't here yet?!!?


His "cheese" face is so silly :)

I love that laugh! Makes this momma's heart melt!!

Jace loves books to be read to him and I am seeing that is pays off!
He LOVES books and he loves to read them aloud.
Its so neat how he has learned to emphasize things as he reads them.

This weekend we went to Lexington. We filled deer feeders, rode back roads (no other choices in LTX sometimes) and just enjoyed ourselves.
Spent time with some family and friends but most of all had some great family time. 
Its a great feeling to be able to help JB get his hunting stuff set up and I know it makes him happy to do that. That is one hobby I know will always be JB's favorite!
And I know one thing I will always enjoy - watching him get all sweaty and sexy working out in the heat - whether it be filling feeders or working on the land, he is one hard working, good looking man.
Best of all - he is mine ;)

Lincoln rode around with us some and kept Jace entertained some.
Lincoln is coming out of the stage that Jace is starting to get into.
He is such a big boy now and understands so well right from wrong. He still tests but he is such a big boy!
He was saying that Jace is still little and how he is a big boy :) and he is!
I am amazed at how much a year and 4 months can make when they are this little
Jace is still oblivious to so much while Lincoln catches almost everything going on.

Lincoln tickling Jace

Later Saturday night the Schumpert's came over and all the kids played.
We loaded up the wagon with all 4 kids - that was a workout!

Trey, Keely, Jace and Lincoln

I had have had 2 baby shower gifts to make in the past month.
Both were pretty easy and a blast to make.
I can only share one as the other one has not been seen by the recipient yet. 
 I don't want to spoil it on here in case she happens to read my blog.

The gift I CAN share are washcloth/onesie lollipops.
They came out MUCH cuter than I expected. Since it was my first time to make them I learned a few things.
1. Make the lollipops smaller and just make more of them - I had to make just 4 because I had already only picked up the 4 pack of spoons. Next time I will grab the bigger pack.
2. Bigger bucket - the lollipops were so big that they barely fit in the bucket without looking WAY top heavy

Since we do not know if this baby is a girl or a boy I had to go gender neutral. I wanted SO badly to sway more towards girly colors and decor to maybe help persuade the "suggestion" but I went neutral.
Let me just say - stores are NOT gender neutral friendly. I could ONLY get newborn or 0-3 month in gender neutral stuff. With gifts like this I like to use bigger sized clothes so the mommy can enjoy the "gift" longer before having to bust it open to put the goods to use.

Without further ado - here are the Lollipops

A Single Lollipop

A Bouquet of 4 Lollipops

The Lollipop Sticks are Baby Spoons (see taped to the back of the pops)

They contain:
5 Gerber 0-3 month Onesies
4 Full Size Washcloths (not those thin "baby" washcloths)
4 Baby Spoons
and a Bucket

I will for sure makes these again!
Now that I have done them I can work at fixing the things I learned.
Even though they didn't come out quite as perfect as I hoped, I think the mommy who received them was happy. I am sad I will miss her shower but we had plans set up right before getting the invite for that weekend.

I can't wait to share the other gift I made once the other mommy gets her. :)

Tomorrow we go and get Jace's braces. They came in early so we moved his appointment up.
I hope he takes to them since we will be having to wear them everyday for a while.
I pray that the farm animals on them will help make them "cooler"

Now that I am caught up on the blog
(besides that one other gift I am still waiting to be received) I am signing off.

Ok...ok....ok - a little more cuteness before going to bed.

Dada and Jace Boxing
Jace is such a sweetheart. He will stand up to you but doesn't fight back - yet!

And Jace saying Backpack :)
He surprises me when he just blurts out words we ask him to say and they are clear!

Good night!

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