Tuesday, January 31, 2012

30 Month Check Up

Jace's 20 month check up was on Friday.
My friend Lisa was there with her little guy, Nathan for his 18 month check up.
Josh, her husband, was playing Angry Birds on his tablet and had the boys entranced.

He has lost a little weight since October but not too much to be a concern really.
There has been a lot going on since then - surgery and all.

He weighs 30 lbs. 6 oz. and is 35" tall. His head is still off the charts but that's genetic.  
The bad part of this appointment was that Jace's sinus infection was back. He had finished his antibiotics last Saturday and started with nose again on Tuesday. His doctor said to do antibiotics again but this time for 14 days rather than just 10. I hope this kicks it this time.

On the way home Jace was being silly in the car seat. When its nap time and we are in the care, we tell him to go night night and he will just hang his head all crazy. It looks so uncomfortable but hes just playing around. Lately he has been saying "night night" and doing this on his own.

This weekend we went to Lexington. I finally finished the valance for the barn and was able to hang it up!

There are some things I did wrong but being that it was one of my first projects I am pretty proud of it!

Jace got a hold of JB's predator call. He has played with it before but used his voice rather than blowing air.
He figured it out this time! He's turning out to be quite a little hunter following in his daddy's footsteps.

This week I am 22 weeks with June Bug!
I still have moments when I am dressed that I just feel like I look fat and not pregnant.
I guess it doesn't help that its not obvious enough that people at work were not quite sure if I was pregnant.
Anyways - here is this week's belly shot!

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