Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week One

The first week with Jace was nothing anyone could have described to me. I was so full of joy and on such a high about having my sweet new baby boy in my life. But, along with that joy came sleep deprivation, pure exhaustion and pain from recovering from labor and delivery!

We were discharged to go home on Friday, July 24th......and our first pediatrician appointment was for Saturday, July 25th at 8:20 am. Jace was slightly jaundiced and since he had issues during delivery she wanted to see him that soon.

Justin and I decided that we didn't need help the first night so it was just us two. The first night was INCREDIBLY hard for the both of us! We all three cried and didn't sleep. Getting to the doctor the next morning was not easy but we had to go. Before we left we called my mom and begged her to be at the house when we got back from the appointment so that Justin and I could sleep some.

Jace's first doctor appointment was a blur - I was an emotional hormonal wreck with no sleep. The nurses were so sweet to us and helped to make the appointment go smoothly. Since my milk hadn't come in completely Jace had lost more weight than what his doctor wanted so we had to supplement with formula for a bit. Over the next day my milk came in and WOW - talk about pain!

After seeing a Lactation consultant on Monday morning as suggested by the pedi, we realized Jace was slightly tongue tied. She suggested having the frenulum clipped so we were going to discuss this with his pedi at the next appointment on the following Thursday.

We had visitors on July 25th......Nana, Aunt Casey, Aunt Misty, Uncle Zane, Cousins Shelby and Jordan

Nana and Jace

Aunt Casey and Jace

Jace at one week old.....

That soothie is almost too big for his face :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hospital Visitors and Going Home...

There were more visitors but here are a few pictures of some visitors we had!
Grandma and Grandpa Huetwohl





Lauren and Nick

Mommy LOVES this guy!!

All ready to go home!

Daddy's kisses are the best!!

Ok guys.....lets go!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Labor of Love and Prayer

So here is what I can recall from labor and perception of time was not good so the times may be a bit off except the time of birth - I know that one for sure!
41 week belly - taken on the way out the door to the hospital

I checked in Tuesday night around 8 pm. They processed all my paperwork and started the Cytotec at 10 pm to get me to dilate. Since I could not sleep well they gave me a sleep pill - I think Ambien. I slept pretty well from what I can remember.

Checked in and ready for rest before the big day

Daddy-to-be getting his rest too

At around 6 am they started Pitocin and I didn't feel really any contractions that were unbearable. My doctor came in around 7:30am (I think) and checked me and I was 2 cm. Shortly after that I started to have pretty bad pain. They gave me Phernagan which did nothing and then they gave me Stadol which was another joke. It just made me drowsy, hard to remember things and did not take the pain away.

All I could do was breathe through the pain and have Justin, my mom or my dad tell me when the contractions were coming, peaking, and when they were coming down. In that kind of pain you would think you would want someone to rub and comfort you but nope - you don't want to be touched! Justin was so sweet and would rub my shoulder or some part of me and I would push his hand off - I was feeling too bad to tell him that it was too much to rub me so I just pushed his hand off. I was so mean about that. He got the picture and didn't touch me. I never SAID anything mean to anyone but I was thinking it when they kept touching me! LOL It is like every nerve in my body was in hyper drive and having someone touch me was TOO much. I had Justin put my christian music on my iPhone on and I listened to that while concentrating on breathing. The IV pain medicine they gave me made me sleep between contractions but I felt the pain medicines were pointless. I felt too out of it and was so glad once it wore off. I hated not knowing what was going on.

Finally around 10 am (I think) I was 4 cm and able to get my epidural. Honestly the pain I was in made the epidural insertion nothing - at that point I didn't care what the epidural felt like. It was easy and the doctor administering it to me was awesome!

After I got the epidural, I felt a gush and I thought since I was numb I peed on myself but I didn't. The nurse was like no sweetheart that was you water. LOL It was the rest of the fluids from having my water broken that morning (7:30 am) by my doctor. I had NO CLUE she did that and that explained the painful contractions I had after she checked me!

Well after the epidural it was pretty smooth sailing. I had to get 3 extra "shots" of the epidural because it was wearing off on one side or the other and then when I was almost fully dilated it was wearing off some. They have me lay on different sides to get the epidural to take when it started to wear on one side or the other but it didn't always work.

My mom, dad and Justin were in the room until it was time to push. Then I only had Justin in the room with me. My doctor came in around 5 pm and checked me and before I knew it she was like "You are at 9 but you can push through to 10.....Ok, push!" I was like "WHAT?!?!?! seriously already?" So I pushed for about 10 minutes and made it through to 10 cm and the doctor got ready and had the staff prepare for Jace's arrival. My epidural was strong that I could not feel the contractions and I needed the nurse to tell me when to push.

The scary part was after a few pushes Jace's heart rate dropped from the 130's down to the 70's. My doctor said that if it happens again we will have to do a c-section. I was DETERMINED not to have a c-section so with that I turned to constant prayer. I listened to the doctor and nurse for when to push but the whole I was praying! His heart rate stayed where it needed to be and 40 minutes later he was starting to crown! Justin and I took a peek at it (something we said we wouldn't do - LOL) and it was amazing! Once Jace's head was out she had me wait a second so they could drape stuff on me for when he came that point my body had taken over the epidural's effects and I was feeling more than enough to have the urge to push. Waiting was difficult - I told them I needed to push and thankfully they were ready for me to by that point. I pushed and Jace was born! The feeling of his body coming out was the most amazing and unique feeling ever! The epidural took away the intense pain but I still felt him come out and the pressure of contractions. Its crazy how even with the epidural your body takes over and allows you to feel a certain amount to get through labor.

They put him on my belly but my eyes were so swollen from pushing and crying from joy that I could barely make him out. Justin and I were SO ecstatic and felt a bond between the two of us that was incredible! A bond that can't be explained in words but its amazing! This brought us so close and all I wanted to do was just be with him and our son!

They took him to the warmer, cleaned him up and weighted him. They noticed his breathing was a bit off and that he passed meconium while in the birth canal so they let me see him for 2 minutes and then had to take him to the nursery for observation. I was so sad that I only got 2 minutes with him. Planning to breastfeed you expect to have that first hour of your baby's life to breastfeed and have mom and dad bond with him. Even though I was disappointed I wanted to be safe and glad they checked him out!

I did not feel the afterbirth pass at all but I did feel the episiotomy stitches slightly. I think that is because my body had overrode the epidural in labor.


Jace getting cleaned up

8lbs 3oz 22in
After they took Jace to the nursery - Justin went with him, along with all the other family waiting for his arrival. I was left in the room alone with a few nurses that were cleaning up. I remember asking where my mom was and a nurse (rude) said "I don't know who she is?" I wanted SOMEONE in the room with me and I knew that my mom was RIGHT outside the room for some of the labor so I figured she may still be there or someone may have seen her and would get her for me....boy was I wrong. I understood Justin going with Jace but I still felt so lonely.

So in the mean time the nurse said I must order dinner before the cafe closed and I NEEDED to eat. So I called and ordered Spaghetti for my entree, chocolate cake for desert and tea for a drink. After I ate, the sweetest older nurse came in and helped me to the bathroom and got me all cleaned up. By then Justin came back and we got ready to switch rooms. Postpartum was all full so I was put in the antepartum area, and again I had an awesome nurses caring for me there.
Three hours later they finally brought Jace back to me. That was the LONGEST three hours EVER! The next day I was put in the postpartum area and the nurses there were not nearly as sweet. I am glad I got to stay in the antepartum that first night - they really were caring there.

Justin really was so much support when I was in labor ands pushing! Without him I would not have been so strong. With Justin and prayer I was so charged with confidence and made the labor a breeze!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eviction Notice Posted....

Today is my due date and no baby - not even a slight HINT that today he is coming! He seems to be WAY too comfortable in there!
I think he is being stubborn and is already testing his mommy and daddy's patience :)

I went to my doctor appointment today and my belly is measuring on time but I have not dilated or effaced at all. Even though I KNOW that means nothing since you can go into labor and dilate completely in a matter of hours, I am still discouraged. I just feel like some progress to be seen is better than NOTHING at all.

This past week I think I have tried almost everything imaginable to get Jace out of there! Walking, squats, red wine, relaxing, name it I either tried it or thought VERY hard about trying it. I was told about castor oil but I think that's one I will skip - if I am going to cramp I prefer it to be not intestinal and all contractions.

We have scheduled the induction for July 22nd if Jace has not come by then. We really wanted the 21st but the hospital is booked up like crazy lately and we had to settle with what was available. Since the 22nd is a Wednesday, I will start my maternity leave that Monday before.
This is the last week at work for me - unless Jace comes before the 22nd - and it feels weird to know I will be out for 12 weeks. I start work back October 12th and all I can think is what will I do with all that time? Its just hard to grasp the idea of having our baby to care for and that I actually get the chance to be able to do that 24/7 for the first 12 weeks of his life - no daycare, no caregiver..........I can't wait.

This is what a 40 week belly looks like! :)
Its big and heavy but I still love it.
I laid in the bath tub the other night just watching all the wiggling and squirming Jace was doing - I am really going to miss that when he is born. There is no other feeling like that and to watch it is pretty entertaining too.

C'mon Jace - everyone is ready to meet you Lil Fella! As much as mommy likes to feel and watch you, I will enjoy holding you in my arms MUCH more!

Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you!
We love you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pretty Comfy...

This past week I started to walk in hopes that Jace starts to descend.......if it doesn't help move him down at least I will be in better shape for labor. Since Justin started running I walk when he runs so that I don't have to walk alone since we just walk/run around the neighborhood walk.

Jace must think its pretty comfy in there and hopefully the walking will make him change his mind :)

On Friday Justin washed the big dogs outside and put his wedding ring on the back of the car. Well later on we left the house to run a few errands and he realized he left the ring on the back of the car! :( So his wedding ring is lost - probably close to home but we can not seem to find it at all. We even walked down the path from our house all the way to 290 to see if we could spot it - no such luck. Even though we can get another ring it will never be that original ring.
As upsetting as this was, it is OK as it is only a material possession.

Justin sat in the glider we purchased 2 weeks ago and thouhgt it was SO we called up Sears to see if we could return it. They actually allowed us to return it without the box and all. On 4th of July there was a sale at Rooms To Go and we got a recliner instead. I thought we would not have enough room for a recliner but it fit perfect. It is not one of those oversized fluffy recliners but small and just right for what we need it for.

It sleeps great too - I took a great nap in it Saturday after we got it.

It's pretty comfy :)

I went to my 39 week appointment and still NO progress! As a matter of fact the pain I have been feeling is from Jace's head descending down in the wrong spot. I am sure he will figure out the way to come out but right now he is tilted to far to the front of me. He is basically trying to descend down on my bladder rather than where he should be.
His heartrate was 140 bpm which is great and healthy!
I will continue to walk in hopes that Jace shifts his head to where it needs to be and he comes soon! Justin is getting anxious! hehehehe.....

My belly is growing but not drastically.....and I guess it has not dropped yet!

Time to research other natural inducing methods.....LOL

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two Years Ago Today......

Two years ago today I married my best friend!
I could not imagine a life without him in it and my life is blessed by having him by my side!

Happy 2nd Anniversray to us!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July


For 4th of July we went to Katy Mills Mall to watch the firework show they have every year.
There were two fires that started in the field we were watching the show in from the dry grass. One was from a car somehow catching fire before the show and then the 2nd was during the show. I guess some sparks came down to the ground and started a fire.
Not only were there those two fires but that morning before it was even 11 am and there was a fire in the neighborhood about a street away from us. We drove by being nosey and it was a fire in someone's backyard - it looked like a shed started on fire maybe from a BBQ pit.
This is the last holiday Justin and I will spend together hard to believe!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Change in Plans....

We got a chance to see the pictures from the session we had with Joanne. These were taken to help promote her studio. As long as Jace comes before she leaves for a vacation she will do a birthing session and then will put that with the newborn pictures for advertisement.
Here are just a few pictures we really liked.

Over the weekend we cleaned the house to the core! Well I should say that Justin cleaned the house to the core. He really worked his butt off and I have to say that I am blessed! He is the best husband and is going to be an amazing father!
While he worked on cleaning the house I finished up Jace's room. Since we had so many more clothes given to us I had to rearrange the dresser and closet. It was great to get his room set up and ready to go.
Here are the pictures of Jace's room complete!

After nearly 5 months I completed Jace's baby blanket I crocheted.
Normally the blankets I crochet are pretty big but thanks to the advice from Latisha I downsized this one so that it was perfect for a small baby.
She mentioned after getting a few blankets for Oren that it was easier to use the smaller blankets. The larger ones will of course come in handy and will last longer.
My purpose of making this blanket was more for bringing him home with.
There has been a change in plans.....
I was really struggling with the thought of inducing on July 9th and after researching Justin and I decided to cancel the induction. I really feel more at peace with this decision and I know it is for the best. After discussing this with the doctor she agreed and reminded me that she would not allow me to go a week past my due date. If we go past the due date we will have to plan an induction and then it would be OK with me. At 41 weeks there is an actual medical reason to induce since the placenta can only support a pregnancy for that long. So Jace will for sure be here by July 22nd - that's the cut off date Dr. Cole is giving us and Jace :)
We of course would like to meet this little man before that date!
The appointment yesterday went great but Jace seems to not want to budge!
His heart rate was 134 and my belly is measuring right on track with 38 weeks. I have no dilation and no effacement. This really doesn't mean anything since that can change so fast and I go into labor but having SOME progress is still something I would like to hear about.

Here are the 38 week belly pictures!
At this point in the pregnancy I am starting to lose weight but he is still growing!