Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Wrangler - One Month Post Op

The first day of winter has finally come and gone! Where did 2011 go?!!?!?!
Where did the past month go?! I can't believe that yesterday marked Jace being one month post op!
Its exciting! He is learning SO much and it just gets better everyday! Lets pray this continues!

Yesterday Justin took Jace boot shopping - we have had trouble getting his feet to fit in them.
We try here and there and so far no such luck. :(
Justin finally got his feet into some boots but they were too big and they didn't have his size at that store.

While they were there - they played "dress up" - boy style :)

He is ONE handsome fella!

Since they didn't have his size at that Cavender's, JB brought him to the Katy locations after I was off work. We found his size!! They are slightly too big but at the age you have to go with them because the widths are very narrow!

This is what they look like - pretty fancy huh?

You are looking that the next Mutton Bustin' Champion! :)

He seems to like the boots a lot.  
He wore them out the store and when we got home he wanted to put them back on!

Justin and I have been wanting to get some pictures on canvas for the house but never bit he bullet to do it.
We found out that our work makes canvas prints and for a very decent price!
We had one of our favorite pics printed - its HUGE and we need to find a place to hang it.
I can't wait to get more :)

Speaking of pictures - I have finally printed all of Jace's monthly pictures for his "First 12 Months" frame.
18 months after those first 12 months and it is complete!

I still have a lot to work on in his baby book though.....I NEED to do that before June Bug is here!
Thank God I wrote all the dates down on my desk calendar! had I been good about posting on the blog when he was a baby I would just assume this blog would be a baby book ;)

So I woke up this morning and it looks like June Bug wants to make his/her presence known!
This belly was NOT there yesterday!

Well HELLO baby!

Maybe its just the clothes....or water retention.....
look how swollen my face looks! LOL
And I woke up with the numb hand yuckiness! There must be some serious swelling going on for that to happen already. Going to just blame that pickle I had before bed to help with my heartburn!
Oh - the joys or pregnancy! ;)

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