Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"I love you tight tight tight!!!"

I received a phone call from my mom on Sunday to tell me that my Grandpa passed away. As much as it has been anticipated, it still hurts! This is the first grandparent I have lost and I am grateful to have them all in my life for so long! I pray that my other grandparents continue to stay in my life longer, with good health and all.

So tonight I am flying to New Orleans since the funeral will be tomorrow at 1 pm and I will return on Friday. Even though it is on these circumstances, I am glad I get to go see family that I don't get to go see all that often.

I pray that all my mom, my aunts and Sara find peace in this time and know that their daddy is in a better place! He lived a long full life and has generations following him for proof!

Growing up I always told my grandpa - "I love you tight tight tight!!!" We always told that to each - even as an adult I told him that! I loved to hear the stories of how he would baby sit me when I was in diapers. Back then the diapers didn't stick back so if he checked my diaper and it was clean he would use duct or electrical tape to put it back on me. I also always stuck my tongue out partly when I was concentrating hard on something JUST like he did. And I blame him for my short stature - he always gave me coffee in my bottle.

I am going to really miss my Grandpa and I wish he could have been here to meet our new little man! I am glad he was still here to find out that I was pregnant and then keep on living to learn that it was a boy!

He truly is in peace knowing that his family is taken care of - Sara is happy and ready to live her life for HER and her precious little boy!! I believe he needed to know that his last child was happy and pursuing herself a life of success!

I almost forgot to take these pictures this morning - but thanks to my sweets he reminded me and here they are for your viewing pleasure! My 20 week belly in ALL its big growing belly glory!!

I am already half way through this pregnancy!! I STILL can't believe HOW fast it has flown by! At this point I feel that little boy in there EVERYDAY and I LOVE IT! It really is so distracting and captivating that when I feel him I just want to sit and enjoy it......if it's at night I will stay up just to feel him squirmin', kickin, and punchin' - oh I am in love!

I can't WAIT to share this with Justin! I know he will have a blast being able to feel his baby boy move around too!

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