Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grid Placement - Day 1

Last night was no fun but it could have been way worse.

Jace ate some Jell-O last night but later puked it all up. This was expected since anesthesia can cause this. There was really no warning that he was going to puke so it went all over his bandage, right arm, and his teddy bear. This was also after giving him his medications so he more than likely was without meds last night. 

After that he received his pain meds the nurses asked if I wanted to hold him. I was excited to get to hold him so soon but was concerned. There were so many wires everywhere - on both sides of him - and then the wires in the head....I was overwhelmed and scared to take him out of bed. They helps me get him out and I held him for about 30 minutes.

He was crying in pain but soon fell asleep

At this point the end of the rough night was to an end. He shortly woke up fussing and we tried some anti-nausea medication and that worked. He was out at 2 am and slept until 6 am (as did I). 

Right when we woke up JB walked in. He was happy to see Dada. 
That room in the PICU had the perfect angle to get a lot of light in - even with the weird shape of the room. 

Eating Ice Chips and sitting up on his own! 

We were told we would be in the PICU for 24 hours so we were taken by surprise to be moved to the EMU at 9 am!! This was great because its less noise, less interruptions, less wires and most of all we get to start recording the seizures!!! 
Jace had to recovery from the surgery in the PICU before they could hook the wires up to a machine that records the seizure activity. The wires are very similar to an EEG and works the same. 

We were given one of the BIGGEST rooms in the EMU and have a couch that actually makes into a bed - rather than just a chair that makes out into a small twin (if that) sized bed. Jace has his crib and we have a bed that will fit both JB and I on it. 

Justin's cousin Lauren stopped by with a casserole, muffins, drinks, plates, cups, forks, and cookies for us! 
This helps out SO much! The EMU only feeds one caregiver so the other is left to go buy food or starve LOL 
Having these meals brought to us is a great help not just financially but mentally - who doesn't enjoy a nice home cooked meal? :) 

Spruced up the room a bit! 
Thank you Aunt Mitty, Uncle Zane, Shelby, and Jordan!! 
Also, thank you Patti for the awesome scriptures and pictures for our room! 

We finally got Jace on another longer lasting pain med that he has to take orally. The bad thing about this is he is fighting us to take meds today! This is SO not like him. Typically if its in a syringe he wants it! :( 
We will see when I give him his meds tonight if this is a new "issue". He is probably scarred by all the syringes and such coming towards him. Poor guy! I don't blame him! 
His pain seems to be managed much better this afternoon. 

Shortly after we made it to the EMU they had to redress his bandages. It was exciting yet scared to get a chance to see what the battle wounds looked like. Surprisingly they didn't look near as bad as I expected. 
I took pictures but they are not anything that will be posted. 

Jace has had 5 seizures so far since he has been hooked up. They were all while he was sleeping except one. Not one of these did we notice anything at all! This helps reassure me that we are doing the right thing! 
He is having seizures that we don't see and they are while he is sleeping too. 

We saw our sweet baby boy today. He gave us kisses and played peek a boo! He laughed a few times as us and we got quite a few smiles! 
Jace was starting to get restless so we let him play on a freshly cleaned play mat. Yes - he actually got out of bed only a day after surgery!!!! This is crazy to me! 

Earlier the EMU staff had mentioned that he is recovering perfectly - they could not ask for it to go better. 
We are thrilled to hear this and pray that it continues! 
This news is proof of answered prayers!! 
Thank you thank you thank you for the prayers! 
Keep them coming! 

With the way Jace is having seizures they could do surgery earlier. If tomorrow was not a Friday I could almost bet we would have the 2nd surgery done within the next couple days. But since the weekend is starting  we think the 2nd surgery will be on Monday - rather than Tuesday or Wednesday! 

We ask for continued prayers - prayers that his seizures are so precisely focal that the part that needs to be removed is crystal clear! Also, for a quick and easy time before, during and after the 2nd surgery! 
And the ultimate pray we ask for is for Jace to be seizure free 100%!!! 
We KNOW God is working on that little body of his! 

Sorry if this was all over the place. I am pretty tired and I am ready for the day to be over with. 


Jessica Withaar said...

Holly.....I am so thankful to be on your blog and follow along in this journey of Jace's. My prayers are coming and I will place you all (you, your family, doctors, and of course, Jace) on my prayer list at church. Thank you for the updates....stay strong and give him a hug from me! :)

Anonymous said...

We haven't given up praying!!! We know that Jesus is at work in a miraculous way!!!I think I told you once that I felt that Jace was a special lil boy and that God has a great BIG plan for him...God bless.
Joe and Wendy