Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jace's Grid Placement Surgery

We woke up at am and headed to the hospital. We got here 15 minutes late but it didn't seem to be an issue. 

Arriving at the hospital

Reading and waiting

At 6 we were brought back to the 2nd waiting area and gave Jace a sponge bath with this antibacterial stuff. 
After a while he got cranky and asking to eat. Jace sure does have his daddy's temper when he's hungry!

So fresh and so clean!
They give the little guys something to help calm their nerves (and ours).
I am not sure what it was but they call it "Spider Man Juice" LOL
It took about 15-20 minutes and Jace was as happy and silly as can be!

Silly faces!

We have such an incredible church family!
A youth pastor from our church came by to pray and drop off goodies for Jace.
Thank you SO much COF Kids!!

Chris Norman from Community of Faith

They needed to do a CT scan before the surgery to help with navigation. We knew Jace would not lay still for this so we opted to have him under anesthesia for this as well.
They took him back to the CT scan around 8 am and we left the room before they knocked him out.
This was the hard part! We won't see him again until the surgery is over.
JB and I had our tears but I have to say so far we are handling things well. (Its still early in the day!)

At 8:28 they were done with the CT Scan and had Jace in the OR. They said it would take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to prep him and get started.

JB and I went to get breakfast and came back to get an update. We called Gigi the the OR liaison and she said they started surgery at 10:15 am and everything is going well.

I will post updates on this same post throughout the day as I can......

Thank you for the prayers without ceasing! We love you all!

UPDATE #2 - 12:16 pm - electrode grid began to be placed at 11:45. Everything is still going great! JB and I are eating lunch at Chick-fil-a at Texas Children's.

JB napping before lunch

UPDATE #3 - 1:02 pm - Dr Von Allmen called and said the grids are placed and Dr. Tandon is just closing him up now. It should take about an hour and he will be in recovery. Dr. Tandon or his resident will come speak with us at this time and then we will go see Jace.
We will be in the PICU tonight the be transferred to the EMU tomorrow.

UPDATE #4 - 2:40 pm - Dr. Tandon came out and talked to us. He JUST finished with Jace. They are taking his down for another CT scan. They places 2 grids on the left side. He is pretty confident that Jace has enough seizures to get all the info they need by Friday or Saturday so we may get to do Part 2 on Monday (rather than Tuesday).
We will get to see Jace in about 20-30 minutes!!

UPDATE #5 - 3:15 pm - the anesthesiologist stopped by and said Jace was stable throughout the whole surgery!! I just know God had his arms wrapped around him! They didn't have to give him any blood but will watch him for the next day. He may or may not need blood tomorrow.
And we are STILL waiting to go back at see him......typical "doctor time"

Sweet Jace in recovery

Not as swollen as I had expected but it will peak in 2 days

UPDATE #6 - 4:25 pm - We just moved up to the PICU. They are getting his monitors all hooked up and then we will be brought back to his room. Have has moved all his body parts, whined and opened his eyes for us! he did not look nearly as swollen as we expected but I hear that is to come - 2 to 3 days post op it is supposed to be at its worst.

Thank you SO much Lisa for making Jace a soft minky blanket. 
He seems to appreciate it more than the scratchy hospital blankets

UPDATE #7 - 8:50 PM - This will probably be our last update for the night. We are going to get some rest while we can. Jace has woken up some and was given pain meds as needed. I fed him some Jell-O and that made him nauseous - so he got some anti-nausea meds as well. After that he was pretty sleepy but was still waking off and on whining. A lot is from the anesthesia wearing off - all little guys like him are cranky then.
We have sat him up a few times and he likes that. He has moved all body parts - fingers, toes and all - and has said Dada, Mama, Up and Please! I know the grid placement doesn't really affect his motor or language skills but you never know when it comes to messing with the brain!

We got a room at the Ronald McDonald House! JB will stay there tonight and will switch off with me if I feel I need a break. I did go in there first and get a shower and while I was in there I made JB's bed for him :)
The Ronald McDonald House is such an invaluable resource for parents with children in the PICU! Some have been here for WAY too long but you can tell how grateful they are to have a place to rest and recharge.

I will try to update more tomorrow as I can. We should move from the PICU to the EMU sometime tomorrow but then again that is all dependent on how well Jace is doing. So far he is doing great - everything is going as it should!

Love you all and thank you for the continued prayers! 


Randall Orso said...

The power of Prayer is more than one can imagine. We will continue to pray for Jace, mommy and daddy! Hang in there guys!

Anonymous said...

Good evening Holly, My husband and I have been in prayer all day long for lil Jace...actually supplicating for him. We know deep in our heart that Jesus is at work...we pray for a speedy recovery for lil Jace and minimal swelling...we thank Jesus in advance for His great love for all of us...and we thank Him for being with lil Jace throughout the suregery holding him in His arms... and we thank Jesus for guiding the surgeons and whispering in their ears exactly what He wants them to do...and we thank Jesus that He is touching you and your hubby and that He gives you a peace that passes all understanding knowing that everything will turn out all right.
Joe and Wendy

The Promise for Today said...

Holly - Mike Smith also sent out a reminder today to your Mustang family and friends to pray for Jace and you guys. He included your blog link, too, which I thought was really sweet of him. God is answering prayer, Kiddo. I pray you all have a peaceful sleep tonight. Andrea deCento