Tuesday, November 1, 2011

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Teet Teet"


We had so much fun taking Jace to Trick or Treat!
He enjoyed it MUCH more than I had anticipated.

After he had a party at daycare and was pumped up full of sugar we took him over to our friends, Ryan and Becca, house to trick or treat.
Their little boy, Nick, is 6 and Jace loved that he got to Trick or Treat with him!

Jace went as Buzz! We almost didn't find the costume in his size. We just by chance found it in a 3T which I thought was too big for him. It was but with clothes under it the costume fit great!

The cutest Buzz on the block!

To Infinity and BEYOND!!!

Nick the Texas Football Player and Jace as Buzz Lightyear!

C'mon.....You ready to go?

After about 2 houses Jace got the hang of this trick or treating thing.
He did well staying on the sidewalks and following Nick to the doors.
Nick rang the doorbell and Jace knocked. After a while Jace's knocks sounded like he was taking the doors down and were pretty "as a matter of fact you will open this door". HA! He is a ham! 

Three times, Jace knocked on a door, they opened the it and Jace just walked right on in! LOL He is a little TOO friendly for his own good!  I am STILL giggling about this when I think about it!
He walked in like whats going on in here.....where the party!? He is so silly!

Apparently Jace is NOT fond of skeletons and other scary looking "things". I don't blame him and to be honest there is no need to enjoy those scary fearful looking creatures!

The best part was he tried to say Trick or Treat. It sounds more like "teet teet" but he said it at a few of the doors and even attempted to say "thank you" (when prompted). Also, he carried his pumpkin from house to house pretty much the whole time. It started to weigh his down so we carried it some for him. Overall he understood he had to carry his pumpkin to the door to get candy in it.

I don't think he realized it was candy - he was just excited he was getting stuff put into his pumpkin! :)

After about 30-45 minutes of Trick or Treating we were rounding around back to the house and Jace decided to just sit down on the sidewalk. He had enough! LOL I don't blame him, he was toting around his pumpkin which by the end of the night was about 5 lbs!

We got home, changed for bed, and he was out! This morning was a struggle for him to get up!
I think he would have slept all day had we let him.
I wonder if he is expecting to get to go Trick or Treating again tonight!

Hopefully soon I will be posting about some big things going on....but for now I will leave you wondering!

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