Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Post Op Day 2 - Home Sweet Home

We were woken up this morning at 6:45 by Dr. Tandon's resident saying they wanted to look at Jace but would return later since he was still sleeping. Luckily Jace woke right before they left the room.
After checking out his incisions and seeing how well he was wake, moving and all they said we would probably get to go home this afternoon.
We said that is great but lets see how he is doing come that time.
We didn't really want to go home with Jace if he was in great pain or overly agitated. They agreed and after Justin and I discussed we knew he would do better at home. He was so tired of the hospital - WE were tired of the hospital and we were not the ones getting poked and prodded.

After a good nap the nurse came in and removed Jace's IV's.
Dr. Von Allmen came in and told us that if we needed anything or had even the slightest concern to call her cell phone number. Since it was a holiday weekend she wanted to be she could be reached. How many doctors give out their cell phone numbers? She is so great!
We packed up, waited for a cart for all our stuff, told all the nurses bye and we headed out! :)

The nurses said that Jace set the record for the quickest a child has been discharged after this surgery!
How cool is that? That's God's hand at work........All these prayers being said have been answered!
Oh and Jace HAS been taking his medications for us.....with a little fight but he takes them!

Jace was a little fussy on the way home but it was time for some ibuprofen and food.
We had to get his prescriptions. While we waited for those we went and got him a new couch since he puked all over his old one. We also picked up Cane's Chicken since they JUST opened right by our house last week! YUM!

We made it home and it was snack time! :)

This is his "cheese" face - of course later I found out he was also constipated so it makes sense why he had THIS face!! LOL

Shortly after snack we notice Jace takes his usual "hiding" spot to go poop.
YAY!!! He is actually trying to go without a suppository!
Poor guy had a hard time but I after changing his diaper I understood why! YIKES
I have never seen such hard poop in his diapers EVER!
He went twice and after that his whining was much better. Rightfully so!

Jace was wobbly when we got home and still is a bit but he is full throttle playing!

After a little bit of play it was nap time for ALL of us!
Jace went right to sleep in his bed and JB and I in ours! MUCH needed rest!

We woke Jace up at 6 to eat dinner and play some since going to bed at 4 is way to early! :)
We sat and watched Toy Story 3 while we waited for dinner to finish cooking.

We both got snuggle time from our angel!

He was not too happy that we woke him up and it was time for some Ibuprofen again.
After dinner he perked up a lot! We did bath - no washing his incisions yet though. Dressed for bed and its quiet time for a bit before bed.
JB went to get some food for tomorrow - the typical football game foods and a few other items we need in the house.
My mom got us a precooked turkey but it was still frozen so we will have to have Thanksgiving Dinner later once the turkey defrosts. Thank you Mom and Dad!! :)

Jace and I are watching some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before heading to bed.

Jace is still a bit wobbly but I thinks its more from not walking for a week and all the heavy drugs.

Jace's incision looks GREAT!
Lets pray it stays that way and we get the all clear next Thursday at his follow up appointment!

Well its bed time for Jace and I need to unpack MY bag :(
Then its shower time in my own bathroom with my OWN soaps!
It may even be a night for a hot bath IF I can get Jace to bed easily.

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