Friday, May 8, 2009

Easy Breezy...

Wednesday night was rough for me and I was glad to get to the doctor on Thursday.
There was a stomach bug going around work the past week and I must have gotten it. I thought I had it Monday night and was over it. Boy was I WRONG!
Wednesday night it hit me again but this time I started to have cramping in my lower belly that wrapped from my back, hips and radiated down my legs. Since it was spread like that I was worried. I was not sure if it was contractions but I had a feeling they weren't. The pain was a constant pain that last for a full hour. Once it subsided I was able to sleep until the pain woke me back up an hour later. That episode lasted another hour and then it was over enough for me to sleep. The next morning I woke up and was achy and still not feeling great. When I got into work I called the doctor to be safe and see if they wanted to see me earlier than my afternoon appointment already scheduled. Since they were really booked that morning they told me to wait it out unless I am in tears again like I was the night before. Over the day I started to feel a bit better - not 100% but better.
What was funny is just the other day I was talking about how EASY BREEZY this pregnancy has been for me - then WHAM! I get a rough night like Wednesday! Thankfully it was nothing and just my body getting over that stomach bug.
I made it to the doctor appointment originally scheduled and it went well.
Jace's heart rate was 145 - the past almost 2 months it was 155.
That just means he is getting bigger and that heart is a STRONG little heart!
I am only measuring one week ahead still, he is slowing his growth some and giving me a break - I was starting to run out of room in this belly!
Today I am feeling SO much better! I was able to sleep very well and only woke up once to pee! My normal is 2-3 times a night! It was awesome to have uninterrupted sleep!
We are going to Garner State Park this weekend to go camping! It will be HOT but fun!
I was instructed to stay very hydrated and I will do so! Don't need pre-term contractions starting just because I didn't drink enough water! I will have to post about our camping trip next week!

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