Monday, March 21, 2011

Change of Plans

*pause music on left sidebar before watching videos*

I had plans this past weekend that filled up my weekend. Justin was going to work on the barn and Jace and I were staying in Houston. Friday I went to a consignment sale to see if there was anything that we had to have for Jace. I ended up leaving there with just a new swimsuit and rash guard for Jace. It was only $3 for those two pieces and they were Osh Kosh brand!!
I picked up Jace after the sale and was planning to head to the Woodlands Mall to pick up my wedding ring when I received a text from my friend that was planning to visit for the weekend. She was not able to make it so I decided we would head out to Lexington! :)
I was really excited to take Jace to the Children's Museum as planned but we will have to reschedule that. As bummed as I was about that I was equally excited to get a chance to go to the land, see the progress on the barn AND see my Sweets!

Jace and I made it to Lexington and went to see the barn.
A box really is one of the best toys for kids!

Saturday as Justin worked on the barn some more, Jace and I went with Misty and Keely to College Station. She had a few errands to run and I figured it would be a fun way to get out and about.
We went to a few stores and Jace was great. I have to keep bragging about how great the Beco is for us. He naps when he feels like it in it. I never imagined he would actually enjoy the Beco as much as he does.

Sunday before heading back to Houston, Justin and I went fishing. We took Jace out there - this was his first fishing experience. He was tired so I put him in the Beco and he napped while we fished. JB caught a nice sized bass in the tank on his brother's land.

Fishing wore this little booger out! :)

JB stayed in Lexington to meet with a few more people that were going to work on the barn while Jace and I headed back. I REALLY wanted to get my ring from the jeweler so we went on to The Woodlands Mall. With Jace being in the grouchy mood he was that morning I was not looking forward to a 2 hour drive! Luckily he was calm and eventually napped for half of the drive. We got to the mall, picked up my ring (it looks brand new again), and then went shopping a little bit. I happened to come across a great sale at The Children's Place. I got Jace a few solid color polos to go with the plad shorts he has tons of. Not only were these on a great sale $5 a shirt but I also had a 15% coupon!! SCORE! :)

We finally made it back to our house. Jace was happy to be back at home and I caught a few cute clips of him.

He has been trying to figure out how to put his clothes on and take them off. He has managed to get clothes off but the putting them back on has been a bit trickier - and entertaining!

When he plays in his play room by himself I think its precious!
As you can see in this clip - he is almost guaranteed to be left handed!

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