Sunday, November 7, 2010


Following in his Daddy's footsteps

I caught a clip of Jace saying "bubble" when I was blowing bubbles for him. He has said this word for a while but I finally decided to catch it on video :)
He LOVES LOVES LOVES bubbles! Bubbles and the swing are my go to when he is fussy or bored. He also asks for bubbles sometimes. :)

I wanted to share the difference or improvement in Jace's seizures.
They used to be head drops with his eyes rolling upward and now they are just staring spells.

As simple and small these head drops look they are not simple and small in the damage they could/did do:

A week after starting the Sabril we stopped seeing head drops
(besides last week when my mom saw one episode of 3 head drops)

His seizures now look like this:
We can tell he is in one because its like he just checks out...he can sometimes still follow commands or respond to us. I think it just all depends on how bad of the episode he is having at the moment.

To anyone who does not spend most of the day with Jace, everyday, these could be easily dismissed. Also if you do not closely watch him all the time they can be missed. I am sure that JB and I have missed episodes before. Its nearly impossible to watch Jace like a hawk 24/7. I wish that we could.

I thought I would share what Jace's episodes look like for those that were curious.
Speaking of, today so far has been MUCH better than yesterday. I think this possible teething issue happening seems to flare up his episodes or it could just be perfect timing. We will see as the time goes.

All I know is every nap and every night lately has been a fight. He will start to fall asleep then wake up screaming - not wanting to be held and not wanting to be put down either. I miss my sweet baby boy that loves falling asleep in your arms without a fight. Last night and today I gave him Baby Orajel when he was fighting sleep and it seemed to help. I know its VERY early for 2 year molars but I am thinking he is starting on them. He has gotten all his other teeth early and quickly.

Its a rough phase but this too shall pass!
Jace Loves Scout!

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