Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Duty Calls to Share the Humor in Call of Duty

So I HAVE to share some of the funniest things about Justin.
He occasionally enjoys playing the new Call of Duty games when they come out....the best part of this is watching him play the game. He moves his head while playing the game as if he were actually trying to look around the corners or over a ledge.
Here is a short example of this:

The doctor's office finally called me with the information about Jace's EEG from last week.
It showed only a slight improvement from when he was last in the hospital and there was nothing on there that surprised anyone. This is partly good but also not good.....I was hoping for GREAT improvement with the Sabril being added since the hospital stay. The good part is that he was not showing in status.......the day AFTER we thought he was in status! UGH what an ER FAIL! They should have ordered a STAT EEG when I brought him in......not for the next day! Oh well, live and learn right? All I know is that he is still developmentally ok (not regressing) but has had an increase in the number of seizures. I have been logging them religiously on SeizureTracker.com and will have a report to print out for the doctor to look over.
We have his weekly neurology appointment tomorrow so I should have more info and other options to help control the seizures - hopefully!

I LOVE coming home to my smiley, sweet, cuddly, adorable baby boy! Even when his poor little teeth hurt him he is still happy as ever to see his daddy or me come home!
Favorite Bedtime Activity
My favorite part of Jace's bedtime routine - sitting on the floor and rocking him to sleep as he plays with my hair! What a sweet angel!

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