Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crib Carnage

Last week I noticed just a few bite marks on Jace's crib and thought I need to get those gummy crib rail covers ASAP!
Well....this past weekend I noticed I was TOO late! This is what I saw!

MMMM....Baby eat crib!

Those teeth marks are NOT little either. The picture does NOT do it justice.
So to avoid splinters and paint being ingested I decided we had to do something. Since that rail was ultimately ruined I was not going to spend tons of money to get a crib rail guard.

I took two of his old receiving blankets, cut holes in them and tied ribbon through them around the rail.
And Presto........a cloth crib rail cover he can teeth on all he wants without ruining the furniture or our pocket book any more!

Ok so they don't "match" but who gets to be fashionable when you have a baby?

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