Sunday, January 16, 2011

Something To Talk About

*Pause music on left sidebar before watching videos*

Jace has something to talk about!

He has really been picking up words and actions.
Some new and some not so new. I love watching him hit milestones and do new things. Here are some recent things he has done:

He says "more" and then it sounds like he says "all done" and "please" (of course the last two with signs too)

When we ask Jace what a cow says he says "mmmmmoooo" :)
He picked this up WAY quicker than I thought he would and loves to see cows in Lexington or wherever else we happen to pass by cows.

Last time we went to Lexington JB was making the car shake from side to side and Jace LOVED it. He started to swing his head from side to side in the car seat and when we ask him to dance he does this as well. The only problem is some of the swinging looks like he is BANGING his head into his car seat - OUCH!

We play peek a boo a lot but recently Jace has started the SLOW peek a boo! :) He is too cute!

One of his favorite toys lately has been his cars. When we play with the cars we say "Vroom" and push it around. He picked up on this so quickly and I think he looks so cute crawling on the floor playing cars.
This video isn't the best....he plays more with them on carpet. I could imagine the hard floors hurt his knees after a bit.

Today I put his backpack on him and he walked around with it for a while. I NEED to get him a backpack with his name on it. He likes his backpack just like Dora has. :)

This past week we received Jace's Song of Love written just for him. Its very cute. Once I can figure out how to convert the sound file into a video without actually applying it to pictures I will post it, along with the lyrics. Songs of Love is a GREAT program. You can go to this website (Songs of Love) to find out more information on it. They operate on donations, so if you have the ability to donate I encourage it!

We also received the medicine we ordered from Canada. I was surprised at how quickly we got it in. I am starting to wonder if there is something different between the powder packets to the pills. And then if there is a difference between the pills made by Sandoz and those made by Lundbeck. The days Jace has taken pills crushed up he has less seizures.....this could be coincidence or GREAT news that we seemed to have stumbled upon! We will be sending back pills to replenish the Fielder's stock from what they loaned us. As I have said before there are reasons for everything and God has a path laid out for us. Even after all of this mess with insurance deductibles and co pays, I see more blessings we have gotten out of this ordeal than hassle. If we truly are seeing that Jace is having less seizures when using the pills rather than the pocket satchels then that alone is a blessing. So far today Jace has not had any seizures we have seen. I still have a few more powder satchels and I will see after a few says of using the pills if his seizures are at bay. Then I will test out the powder satchels later this week. How great would that be!! If we can control his seizures with the pills until he can have surgery...God is GREAT!

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